søndag den 24. juli 2022

Sunday Selection :: Wannabe Waterlilies and Yellow!

 Yesterday I tested the  bike path stump nearest to us. In all of its 1 ½ km long stretch.
Near the end the overflow basins between road and bike path were filled with water and a flower there caught my eyes.
  No it's not Waterlilies.

It is Water Knotweed (Persicaria amphibia) rejoicing that they finally had some water to grow in.

And a still-life from the garden. Falling flowers from Wild Teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) caught in a cobweb.

  Today would not be perfect without a screenshot of this man:
  Or better these men.You see Jonas Vingegaard in the yellow jersey about to cross the finishing line yesterday. And waiting for him, right, Wout van Aert.
  In a very short time, 20 minutes or so, you'll find me glued to my monitor following their journey to Paris.
  I will thoroughly enjoy it, although I sorely miss Mark Cavendish, he had deserved to win one more stage in Le Tour!

7 kommentarer:

  1. I love those unusual flowers Charlotte, great shots.

    1. Thank you, I liked those flowers so much that I had to ride out there an extra time for the shots, as I did not bring my camera first time ... but then it was only 3 km ;)

  2. Loving those blooms. It is the scenery rather than the action that holds my eyes to the Tour de France...

    1. Well, Tour de France is a bit special for me as a Dane this year ;)

  3. The flowers are pretty, the teasel caught in the cobweb. I have no interest in the bike tours. Here in Australia, roads get cut off so the bikes can pass and everyone else has to make the detours around them, which is not a huge problem unless someone needs to get to work. What bothers me more is the "copycats" who come out every time with their overweight bodies and the tight lycra clothes, they ride across the width of the road leaving no room, and when they spot a cafe, they all stop and take up all the outdoor seating with their bicycles laying all over the footpaths. They are loud and untidy.

    1. I love that when they cut off the streets in Copenhagen for the first stage of Tour de France they let everything in place for one more day, so that everybody who wanted to could try how it felt. I knew some who did, and it was great fun. I saw the time trial in Copenhagen, but unfortunately could not go there next day. I would have loved it too, I'm sure.

      Agree! on the "Lycra-guys" as I call them. They are the excact same here only we have them almost all year, not just now.
      Our big joy from Germany. In Germany - where some years ago we lived for one year, there's many more hills than in my very flat Denmark and broad and luxourious bike paths; miss them still. Imagine me and my daughter on normal bikes, with normal clothing just on our way shopping overtaking those guys, see them go all red in the face in their try to get back, and then us overtaking them again on the next hilly stretch - those were the days :)

  4. Water knotweed is a new one to me, it's very pretty.

    Isn't the Tour amazing? Although i don't get to really watch, i do admire these fine athletes.


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