fredag den 1. april 2022

A for April

     Hver dag klokken 12 (undtagen søndag) kommer der et A-Z indlæg hvis der kommer et.
     Temaet for i år er Drømme - dobbelthed, så lad os se, hvad der falder mig ind til det tema.

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  Every day at noon (except Sundays) a new A-Z post goes live - or no post today.
  The theme for this year, is Dream - Duality. let's see what crosses my mind on this theme.

A for April

  Always on April first one of the fountains in the pond in the nearby town is made into something more or less funny. Some years ago  a  friendly whale lived there for some days, the last couple of years  the figure has been advertising some local sports club.
  But this year well the theme is almost obvious.

     Altid den første april er springvandet i vores lokale gadekær klædt ud. For nogle år siden  var det bolig for en venlig  blåhval, men de senere år har der bare været reklamer for lokale sportsklubber.
     I år - selvfølgelig, havde jeg næsten sagt:

Dualiteten her er Syriensflygtningene. Da de kom hertil, var der bøder for at samle dem op, folk der hjalp dem var uglesete, og Venligboerne blev både kaldt for kaldt for landsforrædere og "væmmeligboere"

The duality here lies in the contrast to the reception of the refugees from Syria. You got a fine for picking them up and driving them somewhere, people helping them were called traitors and compared to the German-friendlies during WWII.

Taleboblerne siger: -Jeg er en flygtning -Jeg er også en flygtning.
Og de drømmer nok om det, alle flygtninge drømmer om: Fred og en chance til at genopbygge deres land.

The speech bubbles say: I'm a refugee. I'm a refugee too.
And they probably dream of what every refugee ever dreamt of: Peace and a chance to rebuild their country.

6 kommentarer:

  1. This is a very moving post. And strikes a chord here. Refugees in my country are treated VERY differently depending on how they arrive. Those that arrive by boat are treated deplorably in my eyes.

    1. Same BS everywhere it seems. Our countries seem alike in spite of the distance.

  2. It is a sad state of affairs everywhere. Every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect.

    1. Exactly. All refugees are human beings after all. Heck EVERYBODY is a himan being!

  3. That pound statue is a bit odd. I get wha they mean but it look strange to me.

    It's a bit hard to think about the state of the world these days. I honestly wish they would resolve it quicker so there would be less casualties.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Probably because there's a frog inside the dragon ;) And they are making it in secrecy in the middle of the night.
      thank you for visiting.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.