mandag den 25. april 2022

Poetry Monday :: Brother -- Maybe also A - Z: N for Never!

   Maybe I am now at N in the A - Z Challenge. Maybe I dropped out. I'm having a serious case of "The Stupids". This is a self-invented, and I suspect self-inflicted disease. Everything is just plain old stupid. News, friends, family, social media, the nature around me, and even myself. Nobody ever listens, Nobody ever understands what I say. It's raining when I want sunshine, when I go to bed I have to go for a pee, and what I go shopping for is sold out ... I think you all know this and can continue the list.
  Maybe I just miss me a Brother.

  Because it's Poetry Monday today.  Diane - who has taken over the hosting of  this challenge - and Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings - who supplies us with many of the topics - are also writing wonderful, funny, thought-provoking, ingenious and honestly well written verse. Go and read them!
  Karen of Baking in a Tornado has joined us in this crazy pursuit, and promises us at least a poem a month!
  SpikesBestMate often publishes a nice verse in the comments.
  Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey who has been a faithful participant, is slowly returning to blogging after her husband's passing from this world. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy, and lots of prayers her way, now her mum needs a serious prayer too. But still we dare hope that she will join Poetry Monday again.
  The prompt for today is Brother! I always wanted a brother when I was a small one. All the others, I knew had brothers. Brothers were a good thing, they could pull splinters, repair broken things, buy candy for you, and much more. I also wanted a brother. They seemed the solution to most of my problems!

Often I asked my Mother:
Oh, please give me a brother
A big and a strong one.
All handsome and fun

To help and defend me
And money he'd lend me
One to push me on my trike,
Mend my zippers and bikes

But no matter how I tried
And even how I cried.
My evil, scheming mother
Never gave a big brother

When waiting was done
And the days were gone
I had a baby sister!
Hey what happened mister?

But there was no return
And to love her, I learn.
Now I was the bigger
And repaired trikes and zipper.

 - - - - -

  Next Mondays topic is: Babies.
  I hope for better times, better health, better weather, better tempers, in short a better version of the world next Monday.

14 kommentarer:

  1. Your attack of the stupids I refer to as an attack of the Inadequacies. And I have it often.
    I always wanted a sister (having three older brothers). My mean mama didn't give me one. And now I have claimed/adopted sisters across the seas....

    1. A freed comment - I'm so happy to hear this.

  2. I had a big brother, four years older than I was. He was a terrible tease and thought up dangerous stunts that involved both of us. We never really connected well until my mother got dementia. Now we are quite close and I'm glad they didn't send him back :)

    I hope your week improves, Charlotte. I dread days like the one you're having. Too bad we couldn't reset our day like we restart a coomputer.

    1. A reset button, yes please. Or the possibility to do a day or even a week over again. This would be lovely!

    2. Of course some of the brothers were like this too, but I'd still have liked one. I'm happy to hear that you're close now.

  3. It sounds as if you have what we sometimes call "the ookie-pookies." It's just as you describe, everything is drab and dull and stupid and you can't even find what you want at the store.

    Your poem is precious, i can understand wanting an older brother when you saw your friends' brothers. It's not always easy being the oldest.

    1. Thank you for this word. It sure sounds just like the ookie-pookies to me. I have it bad, and each time I begin getting out, something new comes along and hits me over the head.
      It sounds like you're the oldest too ;)

  4. Oh, those uncooperative parents who don’t bring home the babies we request!

  5. I think it would be difficult for any mother to give a BIG brother. I'm glad you learned to love your sister instead.

    1. It sure would, but I was only three then, and I did not know much of babies and siblings ;)
      We learned to live with one another, and love. But we were- and are - so very different.

  6. I sure I commented - but it has disappeared.
    It sounds like you are having a fit of the inadequacies. I hope it leaves soon.
    I always wanted a sister, but it didn't happen. I am the youngest and the only girl.

    1. You did, and I had an email telling me so. I thought you deleted the comment.

      It's more like the rest of the world have conspired to make me miserable. Messymimi's Ookie-pookies is a wonderful expression for it, as you can see in my sidebar. I think "the inadequacies" is when I feel I'm not up to ... whatever is happening, and I know these too. But whatever they are. I fervently hope they'll levave you and me both, and just never return!

      I had one sister and always wanted more. I took revenge, having 6 children ;) Maybe you always hope for what you have not. I wanted many siblings, my sister wanted to be an only child ...
      As per your disappearing comment, I'm happy that you now have a sister-of-choice!


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