lørdag den 16. april 2022

K & L for Kirke & Langfredag

     Hver dag klokken 12 (undtagen søndag) kommer dagens A-Z indlæg hvis der altså kommer et.
     Temaet for i år er Drømme - dobbelthed, så lad os se, hvad der falder mig ind til det tema.

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  Every day at noon (except Sundays) a new A-Z post goes live - or no post today.
  The theme for this year, is Dream - Duality. let's see what crosses my mind on this theme.

K for Kirke / Church & L for Langfredag / Good Friday

    Langsomt er der opstået et nyt koncept. De dage, jeg ikke allerede har et ord, tager jeg en random ord-generator til hjælp. Det blev ikke nødvendigt for de her to, det passede jo med tiden. I går var det langfredag, og både i går og skærtorsdag var vi i kirke, og det skal vi også enten i aften eller i morgen tidlig.
   Og jeg nyder hvert år at tage del i påskens triduum: Skærtorsdag med Gloria og fuld orgellyd, klokkeringning og sang, og så stilheden derefter, fodtvætningen, alterets afklædning, vågen ved "graven", improprierne og alt det andet. Den nøgne andagt langfredag, med  præsten,der lægger sig udstrakt på gulvet ved liturgiens start, korsets hyldning og bønnerne for hele verden.Og sidst, men ikke mindst påskenat, den mørke kirke og lyset, der langsomt breder sig fra den ene kerte, Exultet, sunget medens kerterne stadig oplyser kirken, læsningerne derbringer os fra skabelsen frem til langfredag. Og så Gloria igen, lyset tændes, messeklokker og kirkeklokker stemmer i, og vi synger med i overstadig jubel over den opstandne Frelser.
     Bagefter spiser vi chokoladeæg på vejen hjem - de ligger allerede i min rygsæk - mens vi ser frem til de kommende dages fester.

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Slowly a new concept has emerged for the A-Z Challenge. For those days, where I do not already have a word, I consult a Random Word Generator. Today this was not necessary, as the liturgical year handed me the clues. Yesterday was Langfredag / Good Friday, and both yesterday, the day before yesterday and again tonight we're off to Kirke / Church.
  And every year I enjoy taking part in the Easter Triduum. Maundy Thursday with the Gloria and full organ sound, the ringing of the bells and the singing, and then the silence afterwards, the washing of the feet, the stripping of the altar, the vigil at the "tomb" and everything else. The naked devotion on Good Friday, with the priest prostrate on the floor at the start of the liturgy, the celebration of the cross and the prayers for the whole world. And last but not least the Easter Vigil, the darkness of the church, the readings bringing us all the way from the Creation to Good Friday; and then the light slowly spreading from the one candle, the Exultet, sung while the candles still light the church, and then the Gloria again, the thimbles and bells joining in, and we sing along in exuberant jubilation at the Risen Saviour.
 Afterwards we eat chocolate eggs on the way home - they are already in my backpack - and looking forward to the celebrations of the coming days.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Happy Easter. I am smiling at the preparation of already putting chocolate eggs in your backpack.

  2. A blessed and beautiful Happy Easter to you and your family. He Is Risen!

  3. None of that happens around here. Okay, the chocolate eggs happens.
    Happy Easter.

  4. Thank you all and happy Easter to you and yours as well.
    I'm happy to report that our Easter Vigil was all I expected and even more. So good after this many years.

  5. Very clever, how you pick the words. I'm with you!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.