tirsdag den 16. november 2021

Tirsdagstæsk -- Tirsdagstips

Så har jeg oprettet to nye etiketter til min blog: Tirsdagstips og tirsdagstæsk.
Der er nogle indlæg fra dette efterår, der allerede har fået tildelt disse etiketter.
- Tirsdagstæsk er en ugentlig mulighed for at brokke mig over dette og hint, som jeg synes er tumpet.
- Tirsdagstips er små, smarte (synes jeg i hver fald) ideer og tips til at gøre et eller andet lettere for en selv.

I dag er det på sin plads med en gang tæsk: Valgplakater, der bukker sammen i vinden:

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  I made two new tags for my blog today: Tirsdagstips (Tuesdays Tips) and Tirsdagstæsk (Tuesday Thumping). These labels have been added to some older posts as well.
Tirsdagstæsk (Tuesday Thumping) is s possibility to agonize over something I find stupid.
Tirsdagstips (Tuesdays Tips) is a possibility to post small tips and tricks making life easier.
  I do not promise to alternate between them, I do not promise to bring any of them each Tuesday ... let's see what happens.

Today is election day. Time for a thumping of election posters that cannot stand up to the winds in Denmark:

5 kommentarer:

  1. I find those posters/placards irritating too - particularly because the people who put them up are never as quick to take them down again after the election. There are moves afoot to ban them in my city.

    1. Here we have strict klegislation on when and where to hang these posters, and when to take them down. Parties not adhering to this will be fined and the posters taken down at their expense. I'd like to see them go.

  2. Election posters here often don't have a picture of the person. It depends on the size of the poster.

    It is annoying that they stay up so long.

    1. They do not stay that long, actually. But I wonder if they do not know that winds are blowing - hard - in Denmark.
      What's in your posters then? I find portraits rather meh, so I would be interested.

  3. I like your Tuesday thump, perhaps you should give those people who place the posters there some Tuesday tips on how to get them to stay up.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.