søndag den 28. november 2021

Sunday Selection -- Happy New Year!

New Church year this is. Today is first Sunday of Advent.

Starting with a dreary picture. This was taken at noon yesterday. The Sun was out, but did not make it through the lens, so I pasted a comics sun over it. Not quite clearing the trees at noon. And there's one month - and the loss of 40 more minutes - to go before the days grow longer again. Sigh.

We had the first frost:

And the advent window is ready for hanging of ornaments:

4 kommentarer:

  1. I LOVE the beautiful reflections in your advent window.
    It was just as grey here today. It didn't rain, but the sun didn't break through the clouds either.

    1. It seems like grey all over today. Here it was cold too. I hope it was not as cold your place - a mean temperature of 2,3 C is a bit too cold for me - and drizzle Ugh!

  2. There's a solemn beauty in such days, we're overcast here, too. Enjoy your Advent window!

    1. Yes, yesterday evening ended beautifully Today was just dreary, but there's snow in the future I hope it will arrive.
      Thank you.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.