tirsdag den 2. november 2021

Tirsdagstæsk :: Digitaliseringsidioti! - Updated in English

I dag fik jeg besked fra banken i min indbakke:

Jaså, tænkte jeg, det er sikkert noget om MitID eller rentestigninger eller sådan noget. Men man må jo hellere logge på og læse det. Altså frem med NemID, log ind og se:

Jaså - det link kunne altså ikke være i et e-brev? Digitaliseringsidioti eller noget?
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Idiotic digitalisation at its apex. I get an email telling me to log onto a secure mail in my online banking - needing codes and double secuity, very troublesome - only to be asked to fill in a survey via the link in blue.
Why couldn't they just put that link in the email?

6 kommentarer:

  1. Whatever was going on, i hope you get them to straighten it out.

  2. That's okay. So they made you go through all that trouble just to link you to a survey on how they are serving you? Maybe you should tell them...

  3. I was told these type of emails are scams or spams and it certainly sounds like it but my bank never asked me to log into my account to do any type of survey. They usually have the survey in the email so you don't have to log in. But I don't know how other banks work in other countries so you can't go by me.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. It was not a scam, a real survey, and I told them off in it ;)


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.