søndag den 14. november 2021

Sunday Selection :: Grey Edition

     På denne tid af året er verden grå. Himlen er overskyet, skyerne er grå, solen stiger ikke højt på himlen, selv når der ingen skyer er. Mit humør er gråt, og at det nisse-tingel-tangel, der er i butikkerne hjælper ikke på det, tværtimod.
     For præcis et år siden tog jeg dette billede af et nyopført hus i Holte. Vejrhanen fascinerede mig. Det er nemlig ikke en hane, men en gås. Jeg har ikke på nogen måde manipuleret billede, der er taget ved halv tolvtiden - så gråt er det bare i november.

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At this time of year, the world is grey. The sky is cloudy, the clouds are grey, the sun does not rise high in the sky even when there are no clouds. My mood is gray, and the elf-and-santa-knickknacks in the shops doesn't help any, on the contrary.

Exactly one year ago I took this picture of a newly built house in Holte. The weathercock fascinated me. Because it's not a rooster, but a goose. I have not in any way manipulated the picture, which was taken at 11.30 am - it is just this grey in November.

7 kommentarer:

  1. How I love the grey goose weathervane - I have never seen one here.
    It is grey here too at the moment. Quite grey, interspersed with blinding blue.

  2. PS: Thank you for the popup commenting box - which does make things easier for me at the moment.

  3. It's certainly unique, thank you for sharing it!

  4. I have never seen a goose weathervane and not many roosters either. actually not many weathervanes at all.
    We have grey skies here too, mid November isn't usually this cold and rainy and although I hate the heat of summer, I am getting fed up with always being cold.

  5. Hm, pop up comments means for me, that I cannot ansver to anyones comments and that I have to prove I'm not a robot every time I comment on my own blog! I sure hope, EC, that your trouble is soon over, so that I can revert to normal :) But until then, this stays!

  6. Thank you.
    Mind you, you shouldn't have to prove that you are not a robot on your own blog. Something else to take up with blogger.
    Mind you, with the current commenting shemozzle I am having trouble commenting on my blog too.

  7. I love weathercocks! A last little decoration that doubles as an indicator!


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