tirsdag den 5. januar 2021

Words for Wednesday - 6 January 2021

  This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Computer issues led her to bow out for a while.  The meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast.

  Essentially the aim of this meme is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given some prompts. These prompts can be words, phrases, music or images.
  What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...
  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged.

  Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog. This fun meme includes cheering on the other participants.
  And the more the merrier goes here as well, so if you are posting on your own blog then please tell us in the comments, so that all other participants, can come along and applaud.

With no further ado, I present the first Words of 2021:




Have fun.

71 kommentarer:

  1. Great prompts. Cannot wait to dip my pen in these words.

    1. Thank you. I look forward to reading what you wrote.

    2. My story is posted on my blog. Great words Charlotte. Thanks.

  2. The work of an earth goddess is never done. Gaia was no ‘clock watcher’, but knew that centuries had passed since her work had begun. Such varied work. She listened to the murmurs of the wind. When need demanded cleansing fire swept the land. Its aftermath was no stinking, dirty ashtray though…
    From her generous hands came thunder and rain to restore the scorched and parched field. After that life giving rain she brought gentle sunshine. Sunshine in which a small insignificant animal lay toasting its weary and aching bones.
    An often overlooked animal. But not by her, never her. When its time had come she gently called it home. The circle of life began, ended and began again with her.

    1. So many pictures in the mind from this, thank you.

    2. What a great and unexpected use of these words. They came from a page of a hard Sci-fi book ;)

    3. Amazing use of the words. I agree with both Mimi and Charlotte.

    4. Nicely done EC, we kinda have similar stories!


    5. Wow! Great job. You've inspired me!

    6. I enjoyed this piece, E.C. Thank you.

    7. Hi EC - Gaia ... well done - such an important space mass ... so glad the warmth is slowly returning for us here in the northern hemisphere. Thank you - Hilary

    8. @ Elephant's Child: this makes me think of new things and hopeful things.

      Have a lovely day.

  3. Thank you for the words, i will be back to link up as soon as i have a link to post.

    1. I'll be over reading as soon as I finis´h writing my own.

  4. I am here thanks to Elephant's Child, but I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do. It certainly looks like an interesting meme and I always enjoy writing.

    1. What you do is use these given words, all or only a few, to write a story or a poem and post it here or on your own blog with a link back here to Charlotte.

    2. Thank you River!
      And thanks Bleubeard and Elizabeth for asking. I think I'll have to clarify the description ... and I look forward to reading what you wrote, either here or on your own blog.

    3. Hope you will try this. Which of your blogs will it be on?

  5. That's a nice list of words, I'm sure I can write something with them. My story will be on my blog on Friday 8th January.

    1. I think I'll have to take up that habit with posting my story Friday for the time being.
      I'll be over and read when you post.

  6. As I sit here savoring the thunder and lightning, hoping the nasty sunshine, nasty as an ashtray, stays away, my animal, Max the dog, cowers in the corner.

    1. Hehe I see Max cowering in the corner and you at the window looking out gleefully. Nice use of the words!

    2. Mike: Max the dog would be joined by Jazz the cat - while I joined you in savouring the rain (you can keep the thunder though).

    3. I too love a good thunderstorm!

    4. @Mike: why is the sunshine nasty? I wonder.

      Have a lovely day.

  7. From me only a small vignette from Susan's education in magic:
    The toasting sunshine crept slowly over Susan's back as she sat in the Barn, listening to one of Jon's lectures of magic in the Nordic countries in the centuries since the decree of magic in 1618. It was a long tale of persecutions, marginalisation and underground magic. Susan was bored. All this might have been interesting another day. But not today. It was summer, she could hear the murmurs from fields and animals outside, savouring the wonderful day. The hands opf the clock had never crept more slowly around their circle.

    1. Small it might be - but this is a lovely vignette. I can see and hear it so well.

    2. Lovely Charlotte. How time can pass so slowly when we are young.


    3. Summer is time to do more active, outdoor learning. Well told!

    4. A wonderful story and visual!

    5. Hi Charlotte - lovely ... she was lucky to be able to savour her educational time with magic in the sun ... well done - Hilary

    6. Oh I loved this phrase: "The hands opf the clock had never crept more slowly around their circle. " Great tale and use of your own prompts.

    7. @Charlotte: This reminds me of sunny school days when kids rather be outside than indoor listening to a teacher drone about something.

      Have a lovely day.

  8. Hi Charlotte - here's my take on the 2nd set:

    Thank goodness that ashtray has been confined to being a saucer under one of her pot plants … let the sunshine in without the stink of cigarettes.

    The thunder explodes around the corner … the animal in her cowers … but then she savours her herbs – this takes her mind away from the thunderous explosions … she just wants the sunshine to warm her herbs giving that extra flavour she can taste …

    The ashtray’s water gives life to her herbs … she’s so grateful for each ashtray. This storm will pass and she will be able to get back into the kitchen to create aromatic scents and dishes again … eliminating the memories of the stinky ashtrays.

    Interesting set of words for us to combine ... thank you - Hilary

    1. Interesting ... and a great idea for the repurposing of ashtrays. Thank you.

    2. Good job with the prompts Hilary. I could use my old ashtrays for my plants but I got rid of all of them.

    3. Nice job and I love the focus on repurposing the ashtray.

    4. If only all ashtrays were repurposed in this way... Love it Hilary.

    5. A much better use for ashtrays, i hope the herbs grow as high as an elephant's eye (to borrow from a song).

  9. Here is mine. I used all the words.
    You could set a clock (and almost a calendar) by them. For centuries they came in from the fields on the day after the swallows came back to the barns.

    Candles were set about on odd containers, even in grandpa's tin ashtray, and they murmured their way into a circle around Grandma who lit all the candles ceremoniously as the sunshine faded, darkening the corners of the room.

    They savoured the moment in a hush of silence.

    Now! said Grandpa, the subtle layer of thunder in his voice bringing them all to attention including the old dog in the corner, normally an animal who slept all day.

    Grandpa passed around the corn liquor bottle and they all took a swig directly from it, feeling the heat run through their winter bones.

    To spring! said Grandpa, toasting them all, to our good fortune on this land of our ancestors and to the planting tomorrow of its crops that will sustain us all through another winter!


    1. Wisewebwoman: This is a culture I would like to learn more about. Much more about - and yes, that is a hint.

    2. You made me hear the thunder in his voice. Well done!

    3. I can only echo EC. I'd like to hear more of those ancestral goings-on.

    4. I love this! It almost ties in with the next story.

    5. Well done WWW - clever ... loved it and could see it. Take care - Hilary

    6. I could feel this tale of yore. Those were days of my memories of grandpa.


  10. Okay, I'll give it a shot.

    Murmurs wisp like smoke from across the field, and even though the moon is but a small slice in the sky, I can make out a circle of people in the distance, their robes knotted at their middles.

    I'm curious, so I creep forward to find out what they're up to. I'm. closer now and I can make out words.


    "Mind the clock..."

    "Will He come?"

    "Of course."

    "But what if..."

    I'm crouched low at their backs with chills like fingers trailing down my spine. Expectation seasoned with fear hangs in the air and a sudden silence stops my breath.

    Something's coming.

    The earth throbs underfoot seconds before flames shoot into the sky and illuminate the gathering. Each person clutches a curved horn and when the flames flicker brightest, they raise those horns, toasting the One who has arrived.

    1. Oooooh.
      More please. Pretty please. Though I am not at all sure I would welcome that One.

    2. What a beginnig to a great tale. I hope to hear more!

    3. oh my... quite the teaser beginning... I'm anxious to read more!

    4. Hi Lee - loved that ... taking us back to spiritual roots ... take care - Hilary

    5. You have definitely started something here. Great use of the prompts.

    6. I can see it all, gave me a chill. Well done!


  11. Ashtray? Sunshine glared at Ms. Ridge, who just informed the 3rd graders that they would each make an ashtray for Father's Day. Sunshine's refusal to make an ashtray, since Dad didn't smoke, did not go down well with Ms. Ridge. Sunshine now sat in a corner; she often sat there,as she questioned every dang thing the lady had in mind.

    Thunder clouds formed over Ms. Ridge's head as she wrestled with what-to-do about Sunshine. Meanwhile, Sunshine smiled, savoring the quandary her teacher faced. In the end, Sunshine was allowed to make an animal instead. She chose to make a skunk. It seemed right to do so.

    1. We all know a Sunshine & Ms. Ridge I think. You described them very well. Thank you.

    2. I love this. And may perhaps have been a Sunshine in my younger years.

    3. This is a great story and use of the prompts. Good for Sunshine!

    4. Well done. I was Sunshine in my time :)


    5. @Susan Kane7: Rebel against a teacher - I kind of like the idea. I like her name is Sunshine.

      Have a lovely day.

    6. Actually, I am "Sunshine" and Mrs. Franklin was my 1st gr. teacher. She once had us draw and color a turkey. The only turkeys I had seen were wild turkeys. Their feathers are not as iridescent and they did not stick up. So I drew that dam turkey, time and time again after school was out. She gave up.

  12. Hi Susan - what a fun tale ... love the thunder clouds over Ms Ridge's head ... clever - Hilary

  13. Dejo mi colaboracion en el juego querido Hijo de Elefante.
    Deseo que te encuentres muy bien de salud! Felicitaciones a todos los que participan en el juego.

    Mi historia con las palabras dadas.

    Todos estábamos reunidos en la mesa familiar y esperanzados
    Las velas encendidas, colores y fragancias
    Nuestros rostros iluminados
    Las miradas puestas en el futuro
    Los ventanales mostraban el campo y sus destellos
    Y las luciérnagas festejaban
    Giraban en círculos
    La noche acunaba murmullos
    De voces lejanas, otros hogares, familias, niños, alegria
    El reloj marco el comienzo del nuevo año
    Nuestro abrazo fue un deseo de amor para el mundo entero
    Siglos de salud y bienestar
    Brindamos por ello
    Las copas se alzaron uniéndose en la esperanza.

    Saludos y abrazo grande a todos.

    1. ¡Saludos e felicitationes a ti tambien, eli mendez! E muchas gracias para tu partecipatión.

    2. This is beautiful - and I share your hopes.

  14. I am a bit late on this. I only used three words of the prompts. I also kind of hesitate to post what I have written because I really shouldn't start a new story when I have yet to finish my other two but I decided to just do it.

    Here's my link to my story, 'Chicks in space' , and yeah, it's pretty long.

    Thanks for the prompts.

    Have a lovely day.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.