lørdag den 30. januar 2021

Susan in Sweden (Unicorn Farm) IV

Continuing my tale. I still have not used all the words. But now I have only Mischief and Languages left over.

      And / or

They opened the low door to the outside and ducked to get through without banging their head on the top frame. Meticulously and silently Helge closed the door, and turned to face Susan again. They began walking. As they entered the yard of the Unicorn Farm, They looked up. Yes one of the windows at the top floor of the Farm was shining with a bright, welcoming light. Helge began moving faster, but Susan suddenly stopped. "Helge," she whispered urgently. "Stop! That light comes from Torben's room. We do not want to speak to him, do we?"
Helge stopped, but a crunching sound came from where he stood. It was loud in the dark quiet night. "Shells!" Helge whispered loudly. "Left overs from our transformation lessons I dare bet. And you're right, Susan. Let's get out of here. I don't want to talk to Torben. I do not trust him after that broom race."
Susan made a strangled sound. "Look! He's shining a searchlight at the buildings."
They turned and ran. Past the corner of the Barn, over the stubble field that made them stumble and almost fall, through and then along the small river, Susan once had discovered, and then forgotten all about. The searchlight twisted and turned from Torben's window, but was unable to get to them. Then they hear a sound they knew. The sound of a flying broomstick. They ran even faster if possible. Finally they were at the line of trees. and ran between it and the tiny river down towards the sea and the end of the line.
  "Which tree? Rowan?" Helge panted. "How does .. a rowan .. look?"
  "Berries," Susan answered. "Red berries"
  "Here!" Helge said hoarsely. "Red berries ... galore!" It was a rowan sure enough, An old, tall one with bark of shining silver, gracious leaves like a waterfall of fronds and berries almost as big as cherries. But the two children were not in the mood for appreciating of even the finest rowan in all Denmark. They could hear Torben coming nearer and nearer. On the brink of panic they circled the tree. First they ran clockwise, and when that did not work, they turned around and ran counter-clockwise around the tree. Torben landed on the field just a few metres away when Helge disappeared. Susan ran to the same spot and also entered the portal. The dizziness engulfed her, and as she opened her eyes, she was in a tiny, black cubicle, all alone.

Part 5

4 kommentarer:

  1. Ooooh.
    I am (sort of) glad that I discovered this later. I think the tension would have had my chewing my nails. Well done.

    1. Thank you. I love writing when I have a story to tell and the words flow. These recalcitrant words came out good - with the aid of a photo. I look forwards to next Wednesdays words.

  2. Does Torben follow them? Again, off for the next episode.


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