tirsdag den 26. januar 2021

Words for Wednesday - 27 January 2021

This meme was started by Delores a long time ago.  Computer issues led her to bow out for a while.  The meme was too much fun to let go, and now Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast.

  Essentially the aim of this meme is to encourage us to write.  Each week we are given some prompts. These prompts can be words, phrases, music or images.
  What we do with those prompts is up to us:  a short story, prose, a song, a poem, or treating them with ignore...
  We can use some or all of the prompts, and mixing and matching is encouraged.

  Some of us put our creation in comments on the post, and others post on their own blog. This fun meme includes cheering on the other participants.
  And the more the merrier goes here as well, so if you are posting on your own blog then please tell us in the comments, so that all other participants, can come along and applaud.

And at long last I've found out that if I publish my posts at 13.00 my time, this means it will be published as the first time zone hits Wednesday. And thus it IS Wednesday now - at least in New Zealand!


And / or


And/or this photo

Have fun.

24 kommentarer:

  1. Great prompts. I don't know if I will use the picture but it sure brings me good memories. My mother was a gifted weaver and I can see her sitting there working.

  2. I tried to find what 'Thougth' mean but the search engine and my spellcheck keeps correcting it to 'thought' or 'though.' I was wondering if that's a mistake or one of those old-language words?

    I'm not familiar with the machine in the photo but it's that a loom? I'll probably not use the photo but I'm curious as I have never seem such machine.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. Oops that's just me forgetting to use spellchecker I have corrected to Thought So sorry.

      And yes it's a loom. I'm a member of a weavers' guild, it's a crossword puzzle in the making you see there :)

  3. Late to the party (PC issues) but also wondered whether Thougth is thought. I am going to take it as such when I make my attempt in an hour or so.

    1. Oh yes. Sorry -gth or -ght or -gt is one of my non-native spelling problems. I always run a spell-check, but I forgot after discovering that I had re-used the last batch of prompts from another Wednesday and had to find 6 new ones in a hurry (probably a copy-paste misfortune).

    2. Hoppe your PC issues are of the transient sort!

    3. Most of them seem to have settled. Fingers crossed.

  4. This week’s prompts started me down a philosophical journey. A journey from East to West, with some heavy thoughts as part of the mix. They shone a piercing searchlight on some of my inadequacies. I wish, how I wish that I had mastered another language. And yet...
    The lore of the loom is a language I do not possess. I can and do admire its voice, and marvel at the rivers of yarn which come together and give voice to beauty.
    Someone (Rumi?) said that poetry is the language of the heart. I like that but remembering that languages are not only spoken I hope that my heart is multi-lingual. Some languages yell and others whisper. I would include beauty, appreciation, and gratitude as languages that my heart does speak (with room for mischief and laughter). I believe that a heart without those things (and many others) is an empty shell. Hugging that idea close to myself is a way to arm myself against my inadequacies – and gives me courage to carry on.

    1. Nice philosophical musings.

    2. This is nice. I believe - like do children - that everybody deep inside speak the same language. And that this is the reason why we understand one another at all. Your musings are beautifuly written, and I'm humbled that my words could be occasion for this.

    3. I think you are right and we do speak the same language deep inside...

    4. @Elephant's Child: This is thoughtful, makes me appreciate the beauty of language.

      Have a lovely day.

  5. The words look interesting, I'm not sure I can fot a loom into a story, but I'll see what I can do.

    1. You do not need to fot ;) all the words or pictures into your story.
      "Fot" should totally be a word. It sounds like a mixture of fit and put ... it's what we do to these words while writing out WfW stories ;)

    2. ... and 'out' should be 'our' Typos making real words are no better. Actually worse, as spellchecker won't find them!

  6. "fit" not fot, which is not even a word ha ha.

  7. Mississippi waters were swollen that year after months of heavy rain. The town of Hull was now a shell of a town with its empty streets resembling mischiefs of nature, strands of grass hanging over the fields.

    At dusk, helicopters spanned the town with searchlight and yelled for any survivors. None were found after the mass exodus ahead of the the flood. Would Hull ever recover?

    1. Sometimes the town is rebuilt, sometimes not. Only time will tell if there's enough left there to pull anyone back.

    2. Two sadly believable tragedies from this week's prompts. I am endlessly fascinated at the different directions that they take us.

    3. I am sorry that my prompts gave rise to sad stories, but life is like that sometimes. And it's always interesting to see how different we use the prompts.

    4. Life is indeed like that and I am always very impressed at the different directions the prompts take us.

    5. @Susan Kane: this is so sad. It's sadder since we know these things does happen.

      Have a lovely day.

  8. Again, I only used a few of the prompts but those second half of the words are kind of parts of my story.

    Here's the link to my piece, continuation of the chicks, that is.

    Have a lovely day.


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