onsdag den 13. januar 2021

Words for Wednesday -13 January - Using the words

I gave the prompts for this Wednesday. They are:

Slowly, Sign, Metallic, Agreement, Reality, Flash,
Tomorrow, Artificially, Protested, Sea, Stump, Labour

Some days ago, we played with LEGOS, and I built some parts of Unicorn Farm, just for fun. And I found out that they had a gardener at the Farm
Here's a little story about him. I hope to expand it in the coming days.

Slowly Susan opened the door to the greenhouse. Tähti had sent her down there to ask for some special flowers, the old gardener had promised to bring, but they had not arrived. She held tight to the handle, so as not to slam the door. Those loud, metallic sounds were not welcome when old Tom worked. She wound her way through the raised beds of small sproutlings and larger tables with plants in every imaginable colour and form, many in pots as tall as Susan and even more in tiny ones, some not larger than a thimble. All the plants had a sign telling their name in Latin and Icelandic put into the earth or stuck underneath the pots of the very tiny ones. A huge tree stump overgrown with ivy and honeysuckle and many other climbing and saprophytic plants stood in the very centre of the greenhouse. And then she saw Tom, he stooped over a small bed on a table, artificially lighted with purplish-red light.
"Oh yes, he said, turning down the magical glow of the lightening with a slight move of his hand.
"Flowers for Tähti?" Susan nodded.  "I forgot. Come here."
Tom was not his real name, But because he always spoke in very short sentences nobody, not even himself, could combine the very long name he was given long ago with the old man he had become. Susan could never stop wondering if he was born like this, slow, gentle and mild. His real name always made Susan think of the Ents something like Reynir-Röskvi Rósmundarson.
Susan was brought back to reality as Tom turned right and stopped.
"Here!" he said, picking some very fragrant vine flowers, that each gave off a flash of gently coloured light as he snapped the stems.
"They are best fresh." he added. The longest sentence Susan had ever heard him utter.
"Return tomorrow?" he asked Susan. "I'll show you?" Susan nodded agreement and thanked the old gardener. Then carefully holding on to the flowers, and remembering to close the door carefully on her way out, she retraced her steps to the alchemy room on the second floor.
Not yet used words: Artificially, Protested, Sea, Labour.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Tom sounds like someone i would like to follow around and watch, to learn from him.

    1. Thank you - I hope to finish this chapter, it's quite a tale, and he sure has loads to teach Susan - and us.

  2. I love this, a magical gardener with magical flowers. And you did use "artificially" in there.

    1. Thank you - well spotted! but as I re-used "artificially" it in the second installment, I'll have to leave it there.


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