tirsdag den 26. januar 2021

New Blogger - A Rant

  I do not only have a personal blog. I also have one for the small trimonthly paper I'm an editor of. And on the blog of this magazine I have a page containing a monthly text. Now it's high time to create the 2021 page and archive the old one.
  I ran into one of Bloggers peculiarities here.
  As I have to put the texts in chronological order for the archives, as opposed to the "newest on top" format in the actual page, I always have to do a lot of copy-pasting. And I always have to go to the HTML to sort out some code after I'm done. Look what I found.

This is the archived page back from 2019 - when we still had old Blogger:

This is what the 2020 page looked like - one wall of text and code:

But - some say - use the Format HTML button. OK: It helps a bit, but it's not reliable. Look inside the red ring - the March text has not been sorted out.

... and I copy-pasted some code from 2019 archives to the 2020 ones. Nov look: Nice formatting in the top red ring where I pasted the codes from 2019, and not so nice in the lower ring, where I pasted some 2020 codes.
  It is not so tough when it is text only. But in some of the pages, I have photos as well, and finding the code for one picture in a wall of text and code is now a real pain in the lower part of my back, where before New Blogger it was tedious, but totally doable.
  End of rant. Blogger, please fix this ... and yes, I have given feedback on this.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Sigh.
    Just when we thought that all of new blogger's peculiarities had emerged - and that some of them have been fixed.

    1. I still suspect to find even more buggers. BUt they do repair/improve things. We just have to tell them what needs repairing.

  2. I noticed this too. I do very little in the HTML of my blog, but whenever I try to do something now, I feel like I'm looking for a needle in a haystack. I hope they revert back to the way it used to be too.

    1. This is an apt description of how I feel too.
      I hope so too, we have to report it every time we find something less than good!

  3. Please keep reporting it. When i put in blog hop code, it can take a long time to find the right break into which it goes.


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