mandag den 24. august 2020

Poetry Monday :: Tomatoes

  Diane of On the Border has supplied us with Tomatoes as this Mondays prompt. I felt like not only telling, but also showing how my tomato plants look in the middle of July. 
   Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey is taking a break due to her husband's ill health. Let's all send warm thoughts, good energy and lots of prayers their way.
  Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings also writes a poem for us to enjoy.

Next Monday's topic: Nature, Thank you Diane! 

If the text in the photo is hard to read, it is here in plain text:


I plant them and water,
I re-pot and plead.
So tiny the sprouts are,
so small in the bed.
Then slowly the grow,
Oh they sprawl and they spread.
They test all my patience,
why don't they turn red?
Then I savour the first one,
and more is ahead.
I pick and I pick them
All filled up with dread.
They thrive and they ripen
They fill up my shed.
We pick and we can them,
When frost kills them dead.
We'll still eat tomatoes,
For dinner and bread.

4 kommentarer:

  1. You and i went a similar direction, but my poem bemoans my lack of being able to grow things. How i'd love to take the extras you don't want!

  2. I ADORE fresh, home grown tomatoes. I make chutney of any which remain at the end of the season, and mourn that the deliciousness is over for another year.
    I love your poem and envy your growing prowess.

  3. I am envious of your tomato growing skills, Charlotte. I used to be able to grow them and keep them until early December, but sadly no anger. I blame our changing climate!

  4. Sorry, that should have read 'but sadly no longer'.


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