torsdag den 20. august 2020

TUSAL #49 and probably last

What is TUSAL? Go HERE and see.  Short explanation: Save all your ORTs when stitching, sewing, knitting, crocheting etc. Show them off once a month, on the day of the new moon. It was Wednesday. I'm late. Sorry.

Here's this months ORTs:

 Then why is this TUSAL post probably the last? The reason is twofold. First, our great leader Daffycat is taking a blogging break and is no longer hosting TUSAL - at least for the time being. Nobody has taken over, and thus the TUSAL has become a Facebook thing.
  This leads to reason number two. Facebook is changing its lay out as well. going from this:
to this:
and this probably means, that I am going to leave Facebook. I do not want to wade through an endless ocean of  self-advertisement and irrelevant stuff to get to what matters to me.

3 kommentarer:

  1. I have never played FB.
    I will miss your tusals if you no longer post them though. My errant mind always wonders what they are bits/cuttings/offshoots from.

    1. I used to do a follow up on the Full moon day, telling where those ORTs came from. This time around it is mostly from me teaching myself to sew face masks. The purple stuff ... I have forgotten, some given up project I suppose.

  2. Why so many sites "improve"/ themselves into uselessness i just do not understand. Since i'm not on FB either, i cannot say i blame you for leaving, although i will miss your Tusal posts.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.