tirsdag den 4. august 2020

New Blogger - Again

Today, as I opened Blogger, New Blogger was pre-chosen for me. I decided to give it a try :) I'm happy to rapport that the labelling system now works, and that 'New Post' is no longer a floating orange blob.

It seems like it could actually work now.
Now it's only a bit - a big bit admittedly - slower than Legacy Blogger because of being less compact and requiring more clicks and more scrolling.
Anyhow, I am going to keep on using Legacy Blogger until it is discontinued on August 24th.

I did not experience problems adding photos, partly because they still have the old system as partial overlay.

Orange circles:
- The label system functioning! I deleted Gr, and the check mark is still there!
- New post in its logical place - and with words!
- 24. august - last day for Legacy Blogger
     We can still hope for more improvements before then.

You also still have to change to HTML to write below a photo. I can live with that.

9 kommentarer:

  1. I am glad to hear it has improved. I am also on legacy blogger - where I intend to remain until it is snatched from my grasp.

  2. It still does not work on an iPad, but i am glad it has gotten better for you.

    1. Have you told them via the Report an error thingie?
      I hope they mend this as well.

  3. Yes, it seems they have improved a few things which I am glad of. It's a bit sad they took away the table gadget even though it was kind of wonky but it has its use.

    I don't understand why you have to switch to html to write below a photo. I didn't have the problem. I actually think it's easier to put in all the text and then add the images but that's my way.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. I don't know how you do. No matter how I try all the photos end up in the bottom of my blog ots with no text below them.

    2. That does happen sometimes and the image sometimes even ends up at the top of the post, so I type in some text in the place where I want the image to be and then insert the image and the image usually ends up below that text that I've typed which I delete. Not sure why that works but it seems to work for me. I hope that works for you.

      Have a lovely day.

  4. It did the automatic switch on me too. Hell. I switched back. But I do thank you for all the research and comments you make on this.

    I've always been a firm believer in if it ain't broke don't fix it.

    I wonder what nefarious purpose Blogger is into.


    1. :) I understand you, but I read someewhere that the reason they're doing this is twofold.
      1. They want to make peoples use of mobile devices easier.
      2. They are currently working with 10-20 years old platforms and programs, many of which will stop working shortly.
      These are both good, reasonable reasons.
      The bugger for us users is, that they seem stupidly determined to make it look smart rather than being workable.


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