mandag den 31. august 2020

Poetry Monday :: Nature

Diane of On the Border has supplied us with Nature as this Mondays prompt.
   Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey is taking a break due to her husband's ill health. Let's all send warm thoughts, good energy and lots of prayers their way.
  Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings also writes a poem for us to enjoy.

Nature is a wonderful thing, but the word has always been a stone in my shoe. The pronunciation that is. It looks like it has to rhyme with mature, but it doesn't! Here is a non-rhyme: 

Me and the nature
Together we go
Though we are mature
We return to zero.

And when get home
We dance in the wind
and if the rains come
We will never mind.

We harvest and plough
And when we are through
Together we sow
With sweat on my brow.

That's all Folks!

Next Mondays topic: The Kitchen from Mimi. 

5 kommentarer:

  1. Nature and mature very almost rhyme. English is tricky that way.
    I love your poem, and concur.
    And am awed by Nature's work. Her colour palette is amazing, and her galleries superb.
    And yes, I continue to send oceans of caring to jenny_o and her family.

  2. Wonderfully done, in almost or should rhyme words, i like it.

  3. This one is fun:


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.