mandag den 2. marts 2020

Poetry Monday :: Gnomes, Foam & Combs

Blue Flower
Poetry incarnate
  Diane of On the Border and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
   This week Diane has returned home
and gives us
gnomes. Or combs. Or foam.
  Normally Mimi is also participating. 
  I don't know what happened, I awoke early, and gnomes, combs and foam danced through my semi-awakened brain.

All the sea gnomes
who live by the sea foams
Do not use sea combs
For sea weeds or sand.

Woodland gnomes
Who dwell where the brook foams
Do not use wood combs
For branches and leaves.

Earth gnomes
Who delve in the dark loam
Do not use earth combs
When digging for stones.

But the air gnomes
Who play in the light dome
They surely use air combs
For unicorn tails. 

Next weeks theme is Sports.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Love it. Your early morning mind is MUCH more creative than mine. And of course unicorn tails would need some loving attention.

    1. Not a moment's doubt that Dr. Seuss, whose birthday we celebrate today, was lending a hand.

  2. I'm glad somebody is looking after unicorn tails! Well done, Charlotte.

    1. Well yes, so am I. Thank you, I'm just so happy that poerty writing is once again a joyful thing and not only hard work.

  3. Wonderful! What pictures in the mind these verses create.

    1. Thank you. After a tough winter - not much Winter really, rather a never ending Autumn - I'm trying to fight my way back to light, easiness and maybe even some joy.

  4. Soo cute, MO! And I absolutely agree with you!


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