fredag den 20. marts 2020

Forårsjævndøgn og frødag

Spring Equinox and World Frog Day

I dag er der god grund til at fejre. Det er forårsjævndøgn - det betyder at forår, varme og solskin vender tilbage 🌞 Og så er der international frødag 🐸 Begge dele er noget at være taknemmelig for i disse dage. Her i Uglebo fortsætter vi med at passe på hinanden, nyde solskinnet trods den lovede nattefrost, og så skal vi vist plante nogle frø.

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Today is a day to celebrate. It is Spring equinox, and this means that spring, summer and sunshine is returning. 🌞 And it is World Frog Day.🐸
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Måske mere senere ... maybe to be continued.  🌞

7 kommentarer:

  1. World Frog Day is definitely something to celebrate. I was thrilled to read that in our recent horrendous fires a precious corroborree frog population was saved. You can see a picture of this stunner HERE

    1. Oh, a tiny and beautiful frog. I'm so happy it was saved.
      Where we lived in Germany, frogs were migrating at this time of the year, and of course crossing the roads. Volunteers put up fences along the roadside and placed buckets and other containers which then were emptied at the other side of the road, sometimes several times a day. And everywhere signs with "Krötenwanderung" were placed to tell drives to take care of the frogs. I wish for the same here in our local woods, where I see many flat frogs each spring. Maybe I should print out and put up signes. I always stop and carry the migrating frogs and toads across the road. This makes for rather long shopping trips ;)

    2. An American blogger I follow is part of a similar volunteer organisation. Which I love.
      Perhaps because so much of Australia is dry we rarely see frogs and I have never seen a mass migration. I love (and am not surprised) that you are a frog/toad rescuer.

    3. What a lovely frog, EC! I'm glad the population was saved. A piece of good news for sure.

  2. I hadn't even noticed we were so close to spring. It's a good thing you said something! I've been reading too much about coronavirus. There is so much information to absorb. I think I've reach saturation point and will concentrate more on other things now. Happy Equinox to all beings in this big old world, including frogs.

    1. I too have had an overdose of Corona-news and is surfacing. I think we've got to concentrate on other things than news to preserve our sanity.

  3. Spring is here, and it is damp and cool and i am so glad!


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