søndag den 22. marts 2020

A til Å ? -- A to Z ?

     April er måneden hvor bloggere verden over skriver blogs med ord fra A-Z, Jeg deltog sidste år, men er langt fra sikker på, at jeg har lyst i år.
      Man kan læse mere og melde sig til her på engelsk. Jeg melder mig ikke til, og hvis jeg hopper på udfordringen, så skal det på en eller anden måde bringe fortællingen om Susan og Enhjørningegården videre.
     Lad os se, hvad der sker i de kommende dage.
     Hvis der er nogen, der har ideer til ord fra A-Å - alle, et par stykker eller kun et enkelt - der kunne blive til en kortere eller længere historie om Susan, så må I endelig skrive. Jeg lover ikke andet end at prøve.

-- -- -- 🦄 -- -- --

  April is the month where bloggers all over the world accept the A-Z challenge. I am not going to sign up, because I'm not really sure whether I want to join this year or not. And if I do it, I am going to write small chapters or even parts of chapters about Susan and Unicorn Farm.
  Let's see what the coming days will bring.
  If you have any ideas for word - all from A-Z, many, a few, just one - that could belong to Susan's universe, feel free to post. I do not promise to use the words, but I promise to do my best. 

8 kommentarer:

  1. The A-Z challenge is beyond my lazy uninspired self. I admire those who participate, and frequently learn from and/or enjoy their postings. Do whatever works for you.

    1. Well, now we're not going anywhere - and hopefully not get the corona virus - we'll have time for writing ;)

  2. Poetry Monday is challenge enough for me, and some weeks even that is too much! I am in awe at the amount of writing you do.

    I will think about some magical 70s words and come back if I can come up with any :)

    1. Thank you. I love writing, and have been writing ever since I can remember.

  3. Since i post daily anyway, i go ahead and do the A to Z. It's fun to try to fit my normal posting into the letters of the day.

    If you do it, i will try to read every post. If you don't, that's okay and i will still try to read every post you do make.

    1. Thank You. Do you intend running with a theme, or just the letters?
      I also try to read your blog every day. I like your humour and lists.

  4. A few words to offer you:
    magic: ability, belief, cape, chant, disappear, flourish (the gesture), hocus-pocus, illusion, incantations, potion, power, rite(s), spell, supernatural, wand
    the '70s: disco, pet rocks, bell bottoms, peasant blouse, maxi-dress

    I had fun thinking these up. The '70s was the decade when I became a teenager and when I graduated school and university - it holds many good memories for me.

    Good luck!

    1. Thank you, Jenny, I hope to use at least some words from your inspiring list! I had to look up Pet Rocks, this fad never made it to Denmark. What a thing to invent!
      I (and Susan of course) graduated school in '79 so the 70es were our schooldays.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.