søndag den 1. marts 2020

Årets første frø og fremspiring

First Seeds of the Year.

Den 11. februar såede Uglemor radiser og salat ude i domen.
February 11. Radishes and salad sown in the dome.

14. februar blev der så forspiret indendørs. Uglemor såede auberginer og chili.
February 14. Sowing indoors. MoterOwl sowed eggplants and chilis.

Piraten såede artiskokker og citronchili.
The Pirate sowed artichokes and lemon chilies.

28. februar - fremspiring - germinating! February 28.
Piratens artiskokker gør opmærksom på sig selv.
Pirate's artichoke are big already.

Uglemors auberginer kan også . bakken er vendt om her. 
MotherOwl's eggplants sprouted as well. The tray is upside down here.

Og ude i domen pibler de første radiser frem. Det er ikke uventet 18 dages sorten, der er først.

And in the Dome the first radishes can be seen. Not unexpected the 18 jours - means 18 days - living up to its name. It is a 'speed radish'.

4 kommentarer:

  1. There is something incredibly exciting about the first seeds of the year - or this garden obsessed person finds it so.
    I hope your garden continues to grow, and his healthy and happy - and makes you all healthy and happy too.

    1. Thank you, we need some health rigth now. I hope your harvest is bountiful despite the inclemency of fire and weather.

  2. How fun! To have them sprout, and then be planted, and before you know you will be eating from your garden again.


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