tirsdag den 3. marts 2020

Forårsrengøring -- Spring Cleaning

     Uglemor er igang med forårsrengøring. Ikke af Uglehulen eller hele huset og slet ikke i haven endnu. Nej det foregår her på bloggen. 

     Susans historie var blevet så lang, at jeg besluttede at flytte den til sin egen blog: The Unicorn Farm / Enhjørningegården. Fanebladet "Unicorn Farm" oppe i toppen bringer dig dertil på magisk vis, og derfra vil det tilsvarende faneblad: "MotherOwl's Musings" på samme måde bringe dig tilbage hertil igen. 

     Også mine haverelaterede indlæg har fået deres egen blog: Haveuglen. Der samler jeg alt, jeg har skrevet her, på Havelyst og andre steder rundt omkring, på en ny blog. De haveindlæg, der ligger her på bloggen forbliver her.Fanen "Haveuglen" bringer dig herfra og dertil, og derfra bringer fanebladet "Uglemor" dig hertil igen.

--  🧹 --

MotherOwl is Spring cleaning. No not in the Owlery, not yet in the garden either, but on this blog.

The story of Susan and the Unicorn Farm has grown to such a length that I decided to move it to a blog of its own: The Unicorn Farm / Enhjørningegården. The tab on top will take you there, and once there a tab called MotherOwl's Musings will bring you back here.

In the same vein Haveuglen - The GardenOwl now contains all blog-posts on gardening, seeds and so on. This is in Danish only, as many of the posts were brought in from other gardening sites where I have been posting for long. But photos abound, and they are outside the borders of language and nationality. And all garden related blog posts on this blog remains where they are. I am is copying, not moving.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Good to know - thanks for explaining. I've been housecleaning emails! It's tedious work but necessary.

  2. Thank you. I have never spring cleaned my blog - yet another sign of just what a woeful housewife I am.

    1. EC, I have NEVER cleaned up my blog, and I can tell you that this is only the second time in twenty years that I've really cleaned up emails. I had over six thousand in each email account when I started. I hope that makes you feel better :)

    2. It does. Thank you. Woeful housekeepers unite?

    3. Count me in to the woeful housekeepers. I cleaned my e-mail last Autumn, for the first time ever, as it crashed all the time. It helped ;)
      Blog cleaning is more fun. As I use my blog as a kind of gardening and plantdyeing handbook as well. I have to be able to find what I once wrote.

  3. Indeed, i don't clean my blog, either. One post a day, and they simply stay.

    Joint mortise was probably the wrong term, but that was on the label, it looked like grout to hold tiles.

    1. Ah OK, some kind of grey stick-things-up-gruel ;)


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