mandag den 18. november 2019

Poetry Monday :: Neighbours

 Today is Monday, and Monday means Poetry. Today's theme is Neighbours from Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey.
 Also participating are:  Diane, Mimi, and Merry Mae.

We're living on a corner, so we have many neighbours
Some loud, some not,
some young, some old
Some single and some married,
None boring - very varied.

One loves to labour
on his fences each day
one wields a sabre
like a pirate at bay
And a couple have already hung out their lights
They make all the nigths and my living room bright.
And once in a while, from "Mount Tabor"
Two ladies come visit all neigbours.

It should have been longer, but I ran out of steam. 
Next Monday, Diane says, Windows is the theme.

4 kommentarer:

  1. I wonder what it would have been like to be a pioneer in early USA and live miles and miles away from a neighbor. Most of us live in the middle of a sea of neighbors. Some can hear neighbors through thin walls.
    Even when we live close, we must recognize that our neighbors need some space. Space can mean being kind and considerate.

    1. Well if i believved in reincarnation I'd say that I had been a pioneer in a former life. I still would like to live in more rural surroundings, but you've got to be realistic.

  2. Your comment about one neighbour labouring on his fences every day reminded me of a former neighbour who washed his car almost every day :)

    The sabre-wielding neighbour is a little scary sounding!

    Sometimes I run out of steam when I'm writing my poems, too, MotherOwl. Sometimes the words just don't behave. But you did it!

  3. That's an excellent summary of your neighbors!


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