lørdag den 9. november 2019

Susan in Paris 6

Liam had ordered a tea with lots of edibles among those the famous Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte, for all of them when Susan returned to the table. For some time the only words were food related, everyone was hungry. But slowly everybody had sated their hunger, Kensuke told the story of how he and Teiko had started up with the Lion dance in Australia, and how they had come to Germany and set up a branch here.
"We wanted to re-name it," Teiko said, "Prosperous Mountain is far away, but we still need a new name."  
"Yet so far Ella is our only native acquisition," Cooper said smiling, " We need more locals to join us."

Teiko poured fresh tea, and without talking they all filled up a plate with tidbits and asked the waitress to clear the table, The sun had set, the terrace was emptying with the onset of the colder night. Susan placed the wrapped gargoyle in the middle of the table. She then proceeded to unwrap the red linen and the black velvet cloths from the figurine.
"Wow, he's a beaut." Liam exclaimed.
"I dare bet he is one of the good gargoyles defenders of humanity and such," Teiko said, tracing the slender, gracefully curved claws.
"Yes," Susan said, "but I did not tell you the whole truth. This one is alive. I saw it wink at me at the flea market, and not only once, but twice."
"Lend me your book," Ella said with a small laugh. "I'm sure there's some clues in it, and I am able to read the old German print, no probs."
Susan handed Ella the old book, and as she began reading, the others sat watching the moon rise over the forest behind the river. The moon was big, full and reddish. As it cleared the topmost branches of the trees, a howl sounded from afar.
"Are there wolves in Germany?" Teiko asked.
Ella looked up from the bestiary: "No, not this far west, there might be some behind the Iron curtain. News from there are sparse, but this side, no. And before you ask, no there's no Zoo around here either."

Teiko looked at Kensuke, but he was looking at the moon.
"It's full," Teiko said.
"Could it be .. werewolves?" Kensuke said in a dead voice.
"Werewolves?" Cooper said. "Do they exist outside of horror movies and swords and sorcery books?"
"Oh yes they do," Teiko said, "and they're a dangerous lot. And they have it in for Lion dancers and wizards, I don't know why."
"Can we do anything." Susan asked "I mean I'm a witch as well. What about you, Teiko?"
"Yes, but ..." Teiko said, "I only just began in school, I'm not very skilled."
Ella interrupted: "But this book, it's full of magic. I can't do magic, but my grandma sure can. And here's a chapter on bringing gargoyles, golems and such to life. I'm sure she could do it."
They looked at Ella with renewed respect. In the silence more howls, and closer now, were heard from the woods.
Liam spoke up for the first time since werewolves got mentioned: "Time to visit your granny, then. Where does she live?"
"Very close. Let's get going!"
Susan carefully swaddled the Gargoyle figuring and put it in her bag. "Hey, Liam, hold my bag, please, and Ella, just a sec, Gotta tell my parents, I'm off."

"Visit Ella's Granny?" Mom asked, "now? And to show her the Gargoyle, Strange lot those lion dancers, but OK. You're home before the reception closes at midnight."
"Yes, mom, thanks!" Susan said and ran back down the stairs.
They were ready to leave, and Ella led them to a perfect miniature house in a clearing in the forest east of the town.

5 kommentarer:

  1. This is truly wonderful. Many, many thanks. I have lots of questions and am looking forward to seeing where this story leads.

    1. Thanks a lot! I'd like to hear your questions. Maybe they're what I need to get the story further on ;)

    2. And EC. I have pre-posted a story for every day for a week now (excepting Monday = Poem;) ) So I hope to have you hangin on here and know that I'll look forwards to your coming here.

  2. Well written segment inspired by that beautiful moon. Thanks for commenting on my WFW piece.

  3. Getting more mysterious every episode!


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