søndag den 24. november 2019

Genjuan Haibun Contest - 2013

 My contribution for 2013. Winners to be found here.

-- はいぶん --
 Summer was meant to be forever. And now I see white hairs in the mirror. I see wrinkles. My joints are stiff in the morning.
 I go for a walk in my garden. Its never changing perfection is depressing. The tick tock of the deer chaser ticking the time away. Never an awry tuft of grass to remind us of life, of what it's like to be human.
 I sit by the pond, watching the frogs jumping in. Faraway music reach my ears, someone is practising the same few stanzas over and over again. A late bee is buzzing, seeking nectar in the wilted flowers.
 Night comes.

Harvest moon hanging
turning leaves white as my hair.
Summer has ended

 My wife is calling from the open door. Tea is ready. The fire is crackling. We sit by the fire. The tea is hot and strong the heat soothing to my senses.

Haiku in my mind.
Old logs give off joy and warmth.
Bountiful autumn.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Coincidentally I have just finished reading a novel which features a number of Basho's poems.
    Haiku awe and impress me. So much is captured and preserved in so few words.
    I particularly like your last (but autumn is a favourite season too).

    1. Thank you. I always dread Autumn, because of the darknes. I liek haiku. I like trying to catch and express the essence of a moment, encased in a clear form. Like a distilled piece of time in a glass bauble. Basho was a genius, I'd liek to read more of his works, and I'd like to be able to do so in Japanese ... so many fdreams so little time.

    2. ... and I have allusions to Basho and especially his frogs here and there in my writings ;) I am craving kangaroo-haiku now.


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