torsdag den 14. november 2019

Words for Wednesday 30 October

In my long, meandering tale I have now reached the words for October 30. If you're curious as to what other participants have done with them, please go and visit Elephant's Child.


 After a long, but totally uneventful day on the German motorways Susan and her family arrived at the port. Susan had slept most of the day, she did not normally sleep very much during a ride, the world was much too exiting, but yesterday night had been taxing in many ways.  She was still plagued with a mild uncertainty whenever she thought about Cerina. Maybe she should have brought the small gargoyle home with her after all. But then again, she would have been lonely, out of place and without any function, as Susan was sure, there were no werewolves in Denmark.
"We have lots of time before the ferry leaves," Dad came back and told them. "The first one is sold out, and there's over 4 hours til the next departure."
"We'll be home late then," Mom said. "Maybe we should visit Dina and Kurt in their summer house, I'm sure they are already there. It is Friday after all."  
"Oh, let's go and see the new mystery movie, while we're waiting," Linda said. "I've heard lots about it. And I saw posters in the big city we just passed."
"I'd like a haircut," Susan said. "I had planned a consultation with the hairdresser tomorrow, but we won't be hone in time for that, and my bangs are killing me. They are into my eyes all the time."
"OK," Dad said "Who wants to see the movie?" Only Linda raised her hand,
"Then Linda and I'll go and watch the movie," Dad said, "Susan you can probably find a hairdresser somewhere near the cinema, What about you, Elin?" Dad asked.
"Oh, I'll be fine, Mom said, I'll find a nice café, have a coffee and a cake and maybe go shopping for some cakes and candy. German sweet stuff is so good!"

They went back to the city they had passed on their way to the ferry, and easily found a place to park near the cinema. Mom and Susan walked a bit further up the main street, where mom found an Italian ice café. Susan easily found a hairdresser, as dad had foreseen. She was lucky because it  had been closed for a long time due to problems with their light fixtures, and had lost almost all their costumers, so they had an open slot immediately. Susan and the hairdresser quickly reached an agreement on the price of a haircut, and to Susan's joy, she was quick, efficient and not too talkative.
They all met back at the car, and drove away to the ferry.
On the ferry Linda told enthusiastically about the movie. "It was very scary, and that violin solo! It made my hair stand on ends. And the heroine ... her freckles were so cute, but she died. Horribly."
 Susan did her best to understand what Linda was saying as they stood on the windblown deck. looking at the setting sun reflecting in the sea's dancing surface. But she was unable to concentrate for long. It was a beautiful evening, and she looked forward to a stay on Unicorn Isle. 

4 kommentarer:

  1. This is awesome! I'm going back to the beginning to read...

    1. Thank you. It is rather a long story. The tabs on top have the chapters in a chronological order.

  2. It's a good thing Susan didn't go to the movie, she had seen plenty of scary stuff already.

    And i do not know if you read the answer someone gave on my blog, but to "scrub" something can mean to cancel it or do away with it. Thus to scrub the mission, or job, is to cancel or end it.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.