mandag den 9. september 2019

Poetry Monday :: Bodies of Water

Brought to us by Diane of  On the Alberta/Montana Border, Jenny this time provide us with Bodies of Water

 This time I delve deeply into my childhood memories, from a time when life was unpleasant at home and at school. 
 Nature was my place to go, and long bike rides, hikes through my woods and day dreaming and deer watching at my favourite lake, quieted the buzz in my head, and I felt once more alive and at peace with the world.

The Lake
Here on the shore I sit and watch.
The deer are munching in the grass.
The dragonflies in dancing swings,
Tell me of life's most simple things.
The duckweed shines, like silver bright
A deer jumps off, its tail flash white.

A red kite hovers in the sky.
And mice and crickets chirp and cry.
A fish leaps up, concentric rings
Spreads outward like a wave that sings.
I lean back 'gainst the mossy tree,
One with the life that's around me.

Then suddenly the squeaks and thrill
grow quiet and all motion still.
I feel as though the veil is torn.
I glimpse the Truth, and hope is born.  

I think the thing, I experienced by that lake - and a few other times in my life since then -  is the same that L.M. Montgomery calls The Flash. A feeling of the time, world and space being transparent to a degree where only a thin veil hides the big truth about life, the universe and everything.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I find water (moving or still) and incredible benison. If ever I become filthy rich I will live beside the water.
    And I loved your poem, which spoke loudly to me.

    1. If I ever become filthy rich, as you call it, I will buy me a "winter house" in Italy. Not near the sea neccesarily. But I love the one week each summer, we spend in a summer house near the sea. It is lovely.
      Thank you for your kind words.

  2. Beautiful. When things are difficult in life, we all need a place to go to bring us back to center.

    1. Yes exactly. And now I want to travel back to my childhood haunt and see if the lake is still there - but I am weary to go there, maybe somebody spoiled it.

  3. That is lovely, MotherOwl. In spite of not liking being IN the water, I do like to be BESIDE the water, and in nature, especially in the woods. That sounds like a very special place to regain equilibrium. I had not come across Montgomery's description of The Flash; your explanation makes me want to go find out more.

  4. Beautiful! Nature restores me as well. If I'm feeling closed in. Crowded. Forlorn. Nature provides the balm. It is so honest.
    Loved this!


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