mandag den 2. september 2019

Poetry Monday :: Summer Fun

Every Monday is Poetry Monday. If you want to join, the weekly themes are always at Diane's place:  On the Alberta/Montana Border where she, Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey have been taking turns coming up with interesting themes for all to write about.
To the distress of this old Owl, Delores of Mumblings has left Blogland because of a mean, stupid troll. 

This Monday my poem is of a depressing variety. Each year, when Summer is almost over, and Autumn holidays are almost upon us, I get this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

Our Summer fun
is over and done
Now Autumn storms are on their way
I run and hide, I will nor play.
Soon Christmas will is here again
With reindeer, elves and nisse-friend*
For Christmas time will be begun
when I find it's time for Autumn fun. **

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

* Nisse-friends - a custom at shools and workplaces, where you secretly get paired off as "friends".You have to give small gifts, at leat 3 a week so that no-one feels left out. Us poor parent have to provide a suitable number of small, but not too small gifts - for us and all the children - URGH.

** Week 41 will as always, be the official start of the Christmas season in Denmark - Our Autumn holidays are week 42. This means that when I go in search of kites, glue and other autumnal crafting things, I'm met with choco-reindeer and all that jazz.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Christmas? Wash your mouth out.
    I hope you can find some fun in autumnal crafting and that being a niss-friend doesn't become too onerous. I fear it will though.

    1. I will. In my own homemade granma's lye soap ;) Which just made me think of "Granma's lie soap" A novel by Robert Abernathy. Go read it if you haven't already.
      Autumnal crafting is my favourite, that's why I'm so upset (stronger, still nice word needed here) that "Cristmas" is sneaking in from early October, "Christmas" because it's not real Christmas. It's elves, santas, gifts, idyllization of the Family, hearts, and consumerism. No Christian contents any more.

  2. Here is where I confess that Autumn is my favourite season! But we get such a thin slice of it here in northern Canada. Sandwiched between an equally thin slice of Summer and yet another long winter. Sigh.
    Loved your poem!

  3. I can relate to your poem - I know that sinking feeling, too, MotherOwl, in spite of the fact that I also look forward to the peace and quiet. It seems such a melancholic time of year as I grow older.

    Nisse-friends sounds like our "Secret Santa" except here ours is generally only for one week, each day of the week - so, a total of seven little gifts or kind acts. I love to do things for others, but when it becomes expected it suddenly also becomes more difficult! The pressure!

    Maybe you could visit the stores for your little gifts a month ahead so as to avoid the Christmas themed items??

  4. It seems odd to think of summer as being over when we have at least two more months of hot weather to go.

    Hope you find lots of good gifts for the season.

  5. Also, i forgot to say, i am also very sad about Delores being run off by a troll. It's just not right that someone can do that.


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