mandag den 6. maj 2019

Poetry Monday :: Shoes

Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
Today's theme is Shoes. (courtesy of Jenny).

I wrote a poem in my head, assured that I would remember it, as I did with the longish Awakening. But next day only two lines remained in my brain. I felt very sorry for myself, and have tried to re-build, re-construct and re-anything this poem but to no avail. I had to make a new one. It is not as good as the old one, but it is here:

Of  shoes I know a thing or ten,
They often come in pair.
And though it happens now and then,
They're seldom solitaire.

They touch the ground
in leaps and bound
or shuffle when we're old.

You can wear shoe
If they fit you,
Or live in one, I'm told.

They need a grease
whene'er you please.
And more when they get old.

They can be blue,
and yellow too.
Some even come in gold.

They close with zippers, buttons, strings
with lace or Velcro-things.
When all is said and truth will out
I'll rather go without.

4 kommentarer:

  1. I agree (wholeheartedly) with your final lines. I wear them if I must, but would much, much rather not.

  2. I wear them outside the house but never inside! You did very well, writing not one but two poems on this topic (even if one has disappeared into the ether!)

  3. It's so nice in summer to be without shoes!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.