mandag den 27. maj 2019

Poetry Monday :: The Tool Shed

Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
Today's theme is The tool shed (courtesy of Delores).

The tool shed in my garden
is made of sturdy boards,
It houses hoes and rakes and spades,
and shears with twisted blades.

The tool shed in my garden
has hooks for all my things,
for scythe and sickle, whetting stones
and tied up balls of strings.

And stacks of pots stand ready
in every form and size,
And for my needy seedlings
good housing it supplies.

The tool shed in my garden
Is well stocked as you see.
Two shelves for seeds in boxes
a three-legged stool for me.

A lathe stands at the window,
It turns out pretty things.
Alas I must admit:
This tool shed in my garden
lives only in my dreams. 

My real life "tool shed" April 2013. It's a bit more overgrown now.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I have a very similar tool shed in my dreams.

  2. Every real tool shed i've ever seen doesn't quite live up to expectations, either.

    1. I would imagine, but still any toolshed is better tan none ;)

  3. Ah! A surprise ending! I like it :) I hope you get the shed of your dreams some day soon.


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