tirsdag den 14. maj 2019

Håb -- Hope

     I går var det "Poetry Monday". Dagens emne var håb. Men Uglemor glemte at tale om en af de mest fantastiske og stædige former for håb der findes i denne verden: Et frø.
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Yesterday was Poetry Monday, and the theme was Hope. MotherOwl in her moping corner forgot to talk about one of the most common and most persistent forms of hope. The one packed in a seed.

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   I går såede Uglemor endnu flere frø. Solhat, skønhedsøje, gamle japansk Indigo - det er at håbe mod bedre vidende, da de ikke skulle kunne spire. Men håbet lever, og Uglemor håber at frøene lever op til det.
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Yesterday MotherOwl sowed even more seeds. Purple coneflower, tickseed and dyer's knotweed. The last one from old seeds -- hoping against wisdom, as the do not normally germinate when old.  But MotherOwl hopes that the flowers will all grow and be as pretty and prolific as in her mind right now.

2 kommentarer:

  1. It does take hope to plant a garden, i hope the seeds are still good.

    1. Thank you. The garden is as I normally say at its best now, in my mind's eye ;)


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