mandag den 6. maj 2019


Uglemor beklager. På grund af alt bøvlet med Mozilla Firefox, addons der ikke kan bruges osv., er Uglemor fløjet fra Firefox og er nu ved at finde sig en ny rede. Det kan vare nogle dage, før det hele bliver normalt igen.
I får et pause-monster til at kigge på så længe.

MotherOwl is sorry. All the trouble with Mozilla Firefox updating/not updating their addons, has made MotherOwl stretch her wings and fly away from the Firefox. She's now testing new nesting places, and it might be some days before normal owlish behavior will be resumed.
Here's a pause-monster to look at in the meantime.

4 kommentarer:

  1. I hope MotherOwl can find a safe and comfortable spot to nest. Love those bubbles.

    1. I hope so too, but I have still not found any. Firefox has disabled the extensions I used, and I have tried in vain to find new ones doing the same, or just something like it. I'm still trying other browsers to see, if they can carry an Owl's nest.

  2. When technology is working, it is the best thing, and when it is not, it is hair-pullingly aggravating. Hope you find something soon.

    1. Feathers are still flying around from being pulled.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.