lørdag den 25. januar 2014

Solopgang -- Sunrise

   Min pilfingrede Ugleunge, Minimax, opdagede at man også kunne lave fotos om til malerier i mit billedbehandlingsprogram. Så her er et "maleri" af vores herlige solopgang forleden dag.

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The Owlet with busy fingers, Minimax, discovered that my free-ware picture editing program was able to make photos into paintings just as well as PhotoShop. Here's a "painting" of the wonderful sunrise from a week ago.

     Originalen ser sådan her ud. Bemærk den sorte plet til højre i billedet. Da jeg så den troede jeg først at det var kulden. Men da en times tid i varmen ikke hvade hjulpet, tænkte jeg: "Åh, nej hvad nu?" På nettet stod der under sorte pletter på digitale billeder at det enten var tøv på linsen, puds den - jeg pudsede og pudsede, pletten var der stadig - eller støv på den chip, der "ser" billederne inde i kameraet. Få det renset hos en fagmand, til mere end kameraet havde kostet oprindeligt. Suk ...
     Lys idé. Hvad nu hvis det lille støvfnug ikke sidder så fast? Uglemor slukkede kameraet og bankede det blidt, men bestemt ned mod bordet et par gange. Heureka! Pletten var væk.

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The original looks like this (unedited except for number of pixels). Notice a black dot in the upper right hand corner? MotherOwl's first thought was it must be the freezing temperatures. This was disproved when the dot was still there after an hour indoors. Looking at the web, MotherOwl read ... black dots can be dust on the lens, polish it! MotherOwl polished the lens to no avail, the dot was still there, Or it can be dust settled on the chip inside, repair at a shop, for more than the original price of the camera. MotherOwl said a word not suitable for printing.
And then a bright idea. If this dust speck is not settled there yet .. MotherOwl turned off the camera, and gently, but firmly banged it against the tabletop a couple of times. Voilà! No more dust speck and a grinning MotherOwl.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Naturen er bare den bedste når det kommer til farveblandinger!

  2. Også i den grad. Jeg holder aldrig op med at forundres.

  3. Uglemor,

    So glad you solved your black dot problem! I wonder if your days are getting noticeably longer yet. What time did you take the photo? I've been experimenting with my camera. I haven't yet tried any outdoor shots while using manual mode, but I've had some success taking pictures of everyone inside. Lots to learn!

    1. Oh yes our days are getting longer. Today is 1½ hours longer than when the day was shortest. But it's still dark when I go with the Owlets to the bus stop in the morning. Camera experimenting sounds good Keep on trying your portraits are good. Ant yes, so much stil to learn.


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