mandag den 13. januar 2014

Frostklar morgen -- Frosty Morning

     Sådan så himlen ud i morges, da jeg kom hjem fra at have fulgt Ugleungerne til bussen,. Det bliver en herlig dag, frostklart og mulighed for sne senere i dag.
      Nyd det, alle mine Ugleunger! I morgen vender november tilbage.
     PS. billedet her er virkeligt kunstigt at se på. Det er kommet ved at jeg lagde det op. I virkeligheden er det pænere og en god del mørkere.
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This is what the skies looked like at Sunrise this morning, when M otherOwl returned from putting the Owlets aboard the bus for school. It's going to be a great day, crisp and clear in the morning, later even a chance of snow. All Owls enjoy! Tomorrow November will return.
PS. Why this picture looks so strange, I have no idea. It looks normal, and much darker,  when not uploaded.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    What a beautiful sky! Do your children have to leave for school in the dark? If so, that must be difficult. So hard to get out of bed before the sun rises, and go out into the cold. But the chance of snow... That sounds wonderful!

  2. Yes, the children leave for school in the dark. As this picture was taken, I had been home for half an hour after taking them to the bus. It's snowing rigth now, and the Owlets and I have been out throwing snowballs. It's a quarter past 4 and growing dark now.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.