fredag den 3. januar 2014

Årets første ... -- The first ... of the Year

Årets første sæbe er et helt nyt forsøg: saltsæbe. Der er mange, der har skrevet og talt i begejstrede vendinger, og nu måtte det prøves. Uglemor havde noget lyserødt himalayasalt stående. Efter en tur i melmøllen var det pulveriseret, men ikke længere særligt lyserødt. En lille del af det blev malet sammen med ristet nori (sushitang). Så blev der rørt sæbe og Minimax hjalp med at røre, så der ikke kom for mange klumper i. I dag blev sæben så taget ud af formen, og i modsætning til hvad jeg har læst at andre har oplevet, var den helt normal sæbe-klæbrig, og ikke smuldrende eller tør som jeg havde forventet. Til gengæld sås det tydeligt på sæbens farve at nori er grøn og ikke sort.

The first soap of the year was another experimental soap. A salt-soap. Some pink himalayasalt from the stash was ground in the mill, and some nori (the seaweed used for sushi) joined the last part of the salt. Minimax helped with the mixing of salt and liquid soap, MotherOwl poured into molds, and today the soap was unmolded. Much to MotherOwl's surprise it was not stiff and crumbly - what reading of other soapers' notes had led her to expect - but the normal new soap-sticky. It was very visible that nori is indeed green and not black as it looks.

  • Sådan ser sushisæberne så ud. Det er klart at nori er grøn
  • Unmolded sushi soaps, obviously green 
  • Sushisæben i formene
  • Sushi-soap still in the mold


Årets første kager stod forfatteren for. Han overraskede os med at bage både kanelsnegle til dessert og cantuccini til Uglemor over de næste dage. Begge dele FODMAP-venligt og velsmagende.

The first cakes of the year were made by the Writer. He surprised us with warm cinnamon rolls after dinner, and he had also made cantucci for MotherOwl to eat over the next days. Both FODMAP-friendly and so tasty.


  • ... og kanelsnegle. 
  • ... and cinnamon rolls. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    Those cinnamon rolls look so delicious!

    I don't think I've ever heard of salt-soap before. I'm not much of a soap expert though. I usually just buy the same plain goats-milk soap every time, because I know it agrees with my sensitive skin. How did the soap selling go over Christmas? Were your woven baskets a big hit?

  2. I did not tell about selling soap, because it was not so good. I sold only one of my baskets at the market. But it was a nice experience. Good neighbours and happy people. Only the weather was bad, rainy stormy and grey. People were hurrying home, not for going looking at market stalls. The second Saturday the sun was shining and we all sold more than on the other two Saturdays added together. But I'm almost sold out. Soap making is planned for January.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.