Naboen til den ene side har en ridebane, derfra hvirvlede Allan støv op på alle de syd- og østvendte vinduer. Og over på den anden side er de ved at bygge om. Derfra hentede Bodel alt det sand, der aflejrede sig på vinduerne mod nord og vest. Uglemor nåede ikke alle vinduerne, men langt de fleste i underetagen,. Nu har vi atter udsigt.
Domen - Uglemors vidunderlige drivhus, blev flået af Bodil. Det vil vare til foråret før den får betræk på igen.
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The two storms in November, Allan and Bodil, did ravage the Owlery and surroundings. Now we've almost removed the traces. The tree that fell is cut into handy pieces of about 50 kg, OK maybe not so handy, but MotherOwl still want one for a big wooden bowl that is in her mind.
And today December the 23rd, the Sun was shining after a seemingly endless row of overcast and rainy days. MotherOwl cleaned the windows. Much needed as Allan distributed sand from one neighbour's riding paddock on our East and South facing windows while Bodil, blowing from the other direction choose the sand from the building site across the road to toss onto our north and west facing windows. MotherOwl did not wash all the windows, as her fingers turned to icicles, but now the downstairs part of the house again has windows with a view.
MotherOwl's dome shaped greenhouse did suffer from torn plastic coating, and it still suffers.
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