søndag den 1. december 2013

Godt nytår -- Happy New Year

Edderkoppen er en af vore "overlevere"
En ting, der hænger fra år til år,
selv om det ikke er dens årstid. 
The spider is one of our "survivors".
A thing that keeps on hanging year
after year even when thy're out of season.
     Nej Uglemor er ikke blevet senil og roder rundt i år og måneder. Men i dag er det jo 1. søndag i advent - Kirkens nytår. Vi starter på et helt nyt kirkeår. Spirillen, hvis tur det var til at flytte kalenderen i dag skulle flytte alle markørerne. Vi startede på en ny måned, en ny uge, en ny årstid og et nyt kirkeår alt sammen
     At så vejret også skulle flyttes fra regn til solskin, gjorde det jo ikke ringere.

 - - - - -

No, MotherOwl has not yet turned senile and is mixin up days, months and years. But today vas really an extraordinary day in the calendar. As Marsupilami remarked as he moved the markers on our calnedar, today we began a new liturgical year, a new month, a new season, and a new week all in one day.
That the marker for weather also had to be moved from rain to sunshine did not lessen his joy.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Yes, it's indeed a new year - the liturgical one. I'd never thought to wish a happy new year for this, he-he!

  2. *Uglemor,

    A new liturgical year... of course! I am rather sad the Year of Faith is over even though we can still continue to grow in faith. It's been a good year! I wonder what the next year will bring.

    God bless!

  3. No, this wishing of "Happy New Year" is also quite nev for me. But I'd like to make it a tradition to underline that the liturgical year and the secular year is not the same. In the same way I keep insisting that Sunday is the first day of the week, not the last. I don't know how this is in other parst of the worls, but it's impossible to make this computer count Sunday as te first day.
    But my very cheap phone can do it ;)


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