torsdag den 5. december 2013

Moonstitches is back

One of the blogs I go to for inspiration and pictures from Japan, has been quiet for a long time. But some days ago Moonstitches returned to the blogosphere.

Originally I found her blog while looking for owls.

 I have been tweaking, twisting and re-drawing her owl so many times, trying to find the perfect way to do it. Her ows are still all more beautiful than mine.
This little Japanese fellow was the result. The kanji (letter-symbol) on his stomach says Fukurou, which means owl in Japanese.

5 kommentarer:

  1. I love your owl! I will visit Moonstitches. Thanks for the link!

    1. Checking out other peoples' links is a great shortcut to new inspiration :)

  2. Charmerende lille ugle, jeg kan godt forstå du har valgt dem som "totemdyr", de er noget særligt.

  3. En lille farv-selv uglemandala jeg faldt over i dag.

    1. Tak. Den er straks gemt i min mappe med uglebilleder :)


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