mandag den 6. maj 2024

Poetry Monday :: Chest

Poetry Monday is a challenge, normally hosted by Diane at On the Border. But from Monday, January 8, 2024, Messymimi and I have conspired to keep the chair warm for her, as she's taking a break due to health issues. We will each set the topics for one month, I began with January, Mimi supplied for February, and so on until Diane returns.

Chest ~ A word with dual meanings. As I like gaming, pirates and such, I go with treasure chest.

--  🪙  💎  🦴  💎  🪙  --

Yo-ho and a bottle of Rhum
Play the fiddle, strike the drum
Find some treasure, find a chest
Loot and plunder we do best.

Skull and bones our pirate flag
Doubloons in a linen bag.
Yes, to open treasure's chest
Is the end of our quest.

Cutlasses for pirates brave
Victory or wet, wet grave.
Fight those blasted scum and pests
Till we find our treasure chest!

 - - - -

Next Mondays topic:

10 kommentarer:

  1. Do your pirates have a map with a big X on it - or are they hoping to find the treasure chest in the hold of another ship?

    1. Definitely the latter. My pirates are armed with cutlasses, not shovels :)

  2. Big smiles. And hopefully your pirates didn't find that wet, wet grave.

    1. Nope they always found their treasures. Those verses are echoes, re-writes, paraphrases of the many songs and poems flying through the air when my children let their Lego-pirates set to sea ;)

  3. Beautiful poem, figuratively there are many pirates...
    I liked it,
    calls to action.
    Have a beautiful week.

    1. Thank you, as I told EC, those are but echoes, but calls to action they were.
      I wish you the same.

  4. Excellent poem. I would love to find a treasure chest.

    1. hehe, so would I, but I think most are found by now.

  5. I'm sure your children found great treasure in their own imaginations. That's a wonderful poem!

    1. They did, and in modern Legos there's chests, coins, gems and golden goblets. Lots of treasure!


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