onsdag den 15. maj 2024

Words for Wednesday ~ Gylfi & Thora 2

The Word for Wednesday challenge started a long time ago. Now it has turned into a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator; and the Words are provided by a number of people. This merry month of May they are by David M. Gascoigne.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss.
Use all Words, some Words, one Word, or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying
"The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement.

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Words for Wednesday May 15:

As is my wont, I used the Words in the order they were given, and continue my story from yesterday. I don't know if this still counts as a part of the A-Z Challenge ...

One day in early spring, when the days were still short, Gylfi and Thora went shopping in the much larger Selfoss for necessities not to be had in Hella and the other smallish city in the vicinity.
"Damn!" Gylfi said as he halted the car near the big roundabout in the outskirts of the town.
"Mind your language," Thora said automatically, then sat up. "Those campaigns to stop the war or whatever it is, do get worse and worse," she said, rolling up the windows as the first of a rain of missiles hit the car.
Gylfi adroitly put the car in reverse and drove backwards out of the rain of tomatoes, potatoes and a stone or two. Just as quickly he went into first gear again and drove slowly forwards. "Open the doors", he said to Thora and piloted the car between two banner-carrying youngsters. Long, wavy hair, bare feet, flowery shirts and skinny jeans made it hard to see if they were males or females, but the elderly couple trying to keep the missiles at bay with an inadequate umbrella were clearly one of each. Thora opened the back-seat door closest to them and moved over. Gylfi snuck the car up to the couple and loudly said: "Get aboard!" The two climbed aboard with a haste belying their years and dignity.
"Kiitos," the woman said, smiling at Thora, who recognized the Finnish word for thank you and smiled in return.
"Please, close the door!" Gylfi sad, turning the car away from the demonstration.  
"Mitä sanot?" the lady said. Then she shook her head and pulled a branch from her handbag. She swished it through the air and said: "Kieli on sama! ... Sorry what did you say?" she added.
Gylfi repeated: "Please close the door," and now the man, who sat next to the door complied.

For some time Gylfi concentrated on getting through the campaigners, away from the rain of tomatoes and other projectiles and avoiding the banners. Finally he turned right and took another way into town. When he stopped the car, he first of all assured himself that the windows were undamaged, then he turned to the new passengers: "Hello, I am Gylfi and this is Thora. Pleased to meet you!"
"I am Tähti Kuusisaari from Finland, and this is my brother Taavi. The pleasure is ours. Thanks for rescuing us from this chaos," the lady said.
"What was that spell?" Gylfi asked. "And no reason to play innocent. I felt the magic!"
"Are you a practitioner of magic as well?" Tähti asked, and as Thora and Gylfi both nodded agreement, she continued: "It is a simple enough one, it makes all languages like one, it so to speak reverses the Babel tower incident," she said still smiling.
Thora and Gylfi both laughed. Then Thora spoke up: "Where are you two staying? For a peace movement, I found them a bit violent." This wry comment made the others chuckle.
"We left our luggage in a locker at the bus station, and were going to find somewhere to stay. We planned on visiting Þingvellir and Hekla. We retired some years ago, and now we're visiting the Nordic countries one by one to see how much magic is left."
"You're welcome to stay at our place," Gylfi said. "There are room for the two of you in my house, I have a spare bedroom. And Thora is an excellent cook."
Thora protested and the same did the Kuusisaari twins.
"Protests are futile," Gylfi said. "Let's collect your items, get some shopping done and return to peaceful Hella to plan."
"Hella?" Taavi said, "not the place with those ancient caves?"
"Yes the very same," Thora answered. "They are an eternal source of strife in the community. Some want them to be made into a museum for posterity and more open to tourists, while others want to still be able to stove their hay, cheese and whatnot in there."
"We might be able to help interpret the old inscriptions," Taavi said,  "Maybe we need to prolong our stay here. This has become very intriguing and interesting."
... to be continued (Words willing)

6 kommentarer:

  1. I am so glad that this is to be continued. Thank you.

  2. Intriguing about the caves and I am looking forward to part two.

    1. Those caves are intriguing. I hope for many parts to follow - Words willing.

  3. They could make many important discoveries.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.