lørdag den 26. november 2022

Z~A :: Zip through Autumn 8

The A ~ Z Challenge's baby brother, the Z ~ A Challenge*)  is here again. This time with the prompts

Nov 23- Nov 29 ~ Happy Habits, Goal of your blog for remaining 2022

Happy Habits: Writing this blog is a Happy Habit, it keeps my creative juices flowing, it puts a mild pressure on me with the recurring challenges,  Words for Wednesday every Wednesday, Poetry Monday every Monday (Hello, Capt'n Obvious) and IWSG every first Wednesday of the month. Now and then other challenges come and go: Reading challenges, drawing challenges, photo challenges, I like them all, but my compliance is nothing to boast of.

Goal of your blog for remaining 2022: They are easily told. I go for simple goals in my blogging life:
- To blog every Monday, hopefully with a poem.
- To blog every Wednesday with a story using some or even all the prompts given.
- To blog on the first Wednesday of December using the IWSG prompt.
- To blog in between these days when I have something to say or show.
- To wish everyone a Merry Christmas when the time is right, and
- To end this year's blogging wishing all my readers a happy New Year.

- - 💡 - -

Zip through Autumn:
Here's a link and the list of dates and prompts. So if you care to join, get on board.

Sept 21- 27 ~  Zero excuses, Yearn to
Sept 28- Oct 4 ~ Xenodochy in blogging, Why blog
Oct 5- Oct 11 ~  Variety, Unique to my blog
Oct 12- Oct 18 ~ Ten-year plan, SMART goals

Oct 19- Oct 25 ~ Recommend, Questions for visitors
Oct 26- Nov 1 ~ Priorities, Open
Nov 2- Nov 7 ~ Never blog this, Motivating
Nov 9- Nov 15 ~ Lesson, Know where I've been
Nov 16- Nov 22 ~ Joy and Job in blogging, Ideas
Nov 23- Nov 29 ~ Happy Habits, Goal of your blog for remaining 2022
Nov 30- Dec 6 ~ Fortitude, Easy tips
Dec 7- Dec  13~ Dare, Chance
Dec 14- Dec 20 ~ Balance, Achievements in 2022

6 kommentarer:

  1. Can I put pressure on you by adding that I always enjoy it when you add Sunday Selections to your posting repertoire? Greedy aren't I?

  2. Any posts you put up are enjoyed by me!

  3. My goal is actually to spend less time at the computer, but there are so many blogs I must read and comment on. Far too many, but who do I leave out?

  4. Thank you EC - yes I forgot!

    Thank you Messymimi, I enjoy your posts too!

    River, less time watching news, scrolling forever in the interwebs, on Social media etc, I find fine - and that is one one of my advent goals as well - but less time blogging, and reading blogs? No, not going to happen.

  5. I wish I have a happy habit of writing like you but I'm such a slacker.

    Those are good blog goals, they would be my goals too (aside from a few of them) if I wasn't so lazy.

    Have a lovely day.

    1. I hope that the Z-A challenge is helping a bit.


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