søndag den 27. november 2022

Sunday Selections ~ New Year's edition

Dette indlæg vil som noget nyt blive udgivet på dansk lidt senere i dag.
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YesterdayElephant's Child kindly told me that I had forgotten one of the recurring challenges: Sunday Selections. Yes I forgot. Now to remedy this:

Monday - Sunlit SnowOwlHappyness - but as seen from this photo the fog comes rolling in, and this means thaw. Tuesday the snow had already melted again.

Tuesday - This big crow sat on the old stump making me think it was a buzzard or a hawk, but it was - as seen here - an old crow.

Friday - MotherOwl went shopping, and the Christmas garlands in town were lit - but still not the Christmas tree. Photo taken five minutes past five in the afternoon.

Sunday (today) - A newly cleaned living room window. Half past eleven, outside are drizzle and low cloud, which I always find to be a challenge. You can see the lights burning as a reflection in the newly cleaned window.
Yes MotherOwl, you cleaned the window, but if you want praise for cleaning windows, which is rightly your job, expect to be disappointed. Nether is it normal for MotherOwl to take photos of newly cleaned living room windows. They are cleaned from time to time, as is everybody else's, MotherOwl is moderately proud of the results, but more happy to have it behind her.
Today there's more reason behind the cleaning.

It is the first Sunday of Advent and the beginning of a new liturgical year.
Happy New Year everyone!

4 kommentarer:

  1. Sunday Selections is by no means compulsory but I am always thrilled when you join us. And this post is no exception.
    I don't clean our windows nearly often enough. And yes this chore is overdue again.
    I can't get over how short your days are at the moment, knowing that they will continue shrinking for a few weeks yet.
    A very, very happy and beautiful New Year to you.

  2. It is fun to see your selections.

    "I don't do windows" is a joke about some janitors/housekeepers, because many of them won't. I will if i am asked.

  3. I never clean my windows, I only have two and they are covered with curtains and blinds and on the outside are security screens that can't be removed, so even if I clean the inside the outside is still dirty. So I don't clean at all.
    Your advent candle is beautiful.

  4. @ EC - I do not clean my windows often enough either. Partly because often enough would be once a week ... a nearby lot is a riding areta with sand. Whenever people ride there, sand gets into the air and onto our windows.
    Thank you for the kind words. I really like to write, and a mild pressure is fine.

    @ Messymimi - I am in two minds over doing windows. I would also if asked, but on the other hand window cleaners also have to live.

    @ River - This sounds troublesome indeed. I hope someone is hosing down those windows once in a while, so that you get some daylight inside.
    Thank you, I llike the candle as well. The colour is bluer in real life, and I bought it at an after Christmas sae last year.


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