tirsdag den 22. november 2022

Z to A :: Zip through Autumn ~ 7

The theme for the Z to A challenge*)  for the period of  November 16 - November 22 is

Joy and Job in blogging, Ideas

For me blogging has never felt like a Job. The closest it come to feeling like a job, is when Monday morning dawns, and I realize that once again I do not have a poem to share. But mostly this solves itself while bathing, biking, baking or walking, so that by evening poeming has happened.

Blogging is for me mostly a source of Joy, an outlet for all my crazy writing, a way of sharing what makes me happy, sad, or angry with a lot of nice people, I never ever get to see. This is a great Joy because I have 'met' so many friendly, encouraging and different people with ideas and homelands quite unlike my own.

Ideas: Sometimes I miss Ideas, but then either somebody shares a challenge like this A-Z one, Poetry Monday, Words for Wednesday, or any of the other more or less successful challenges I have been a part of throughout my blogging life, or I see hear or encounters something that makes me happy - like snow, flowers or family - or frustrated - like election posters or buses and their missing timetables.
And no matter what I write or share ...  you - my dear readers - always stand ready with comments, suggestions, praise and criticism. If anything, I miss a bit more of the latter, I know my English is far from perfect, and that I need to improve.

- - 💡 - -

Zip through Autumn:
Here's a list of dates and prompts. So if you care to join, get on board.

Sept 21- 27 ~  Zero excuses, Yearn to
Sept 28- Oct 4 ~ Xenodochy in blogging, Why blog
Oct 5- Oct 11 ~  Variety, Unique to my blog
Oct 12- Oct 18 ~ Ten-year plan, SMART goals

Oct 19- Oct 25 ~ Recommend, Questions for visitors
Oct 26- Nov 1 ~ Priorities, Open
Nov 2- Nov 7 ~ Never blog this, Motivating
Nov 9- Nov 15 ~ Lesson, Know where I've been
Nov 16- Nov 22 ~ Joy and Job in blogging, Ideas
Nov 23- Nov 29 ~ Happy Habits, Goal of your blog for remaining 2022
Nov 30- Dec 6 ~ Fortitude, Easy tips
Dec 7- Dec  13~ Dare, Chance
Dec 14- Dec 20 ~ Balance, Achievements in 2022

4 kommentarer:

  1. I hear you. The blogosphere has expanded my world - in the most delightful way. I learn things. I am shown beauty. And am endlessly grateful for the friends I have found here. I am also super impressed at your mastery of English, a language I believe is difficult to learn.

  2. Blogging is fun, for all those reasons.

    Your English is excellent. Someone once pointed out to me the word "that" is often overused. If the sentence sounds sensible without it, omit it was his advice.

  3. @ EC thank you, we have much thj thank the Internet for! But I know, I make mistakes, and I say thank you when corrected ;)

    @ Messymimi - sound advice - I'll remember (that).

  4. Blogging is joyful but I guess sometimes it does feel like a job but not a lot, not for me.

    I like it when people share their ideas or makes up challenges and allow others to participate. Sometimes blogging about the same thing or the same topic is sharing and that's blogging, right?

    My English or rather, my grammar isn't great either. I'm happy to correct anyone but I also find, sometimes it's better not to. Not everyone likes to be corrected. I do find your English quite good.

    Have a lovely day.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.