onsdag den 23. september 2020

Words for Wednesday -- Christmas at Unicorn Farm 6

For today River at Drifting through Life has thunk up:

The two Colins 
Purple tie 
Apple pie

I'm still continuing my tale, but a bit of comic relief is in its place:

  When Torben and Tristan had left the lavatories, Susan slowly walked back to the Barn. Meanwhile the tables had been cleared and broken up into small islands, now cowered in multicoloured tablecloths and loaded with cakes, cookies, strawberry pies, apple pies, chocolates and every other delicacy imaginable. Tea, coffee and soft drinks were placed under the hayloft and everybody was mingling, talking, eating and having a good time. Only Susan felt bleak.
  Finally nobody was able to do more than nibble at the delicacies. Then Jon arose and clapped his hands: "Please everybody, clear the floor. We do not have much entertainment scheduled for tonight, but what we lack in number, will be made up for in pure energy. Give a hand to The two Collins!" Everybody moved to the walls while applauding softly, and in from the barn door came two young magicians dressed in garish colours. One had yellow trousers and cloak and an emerald green tunic, the other had a yellow tunic and green trousers and cloak. Both wore a purple tie, a red belt and an orange hat with blue plumes. The result almost hurt the eyes of the audience. The two Colins did a row of somersault diagonal to one another. Then they stood took off hats and capes throwing them through the air to Jon who caught them with ease. Then the two Colins drew their wands, did a handstand and fired their wands while upside down. Petals, butterflies and leaves began falling in droves from the ceiling. The yellow Colin turned around and pointed his wand through his legs at the green Colin - who did exactly the same. They fired again and rolled and tumbled to avoid the jets of emerald green and shining yellow steam coming from the wands. Where they hit, yellow clothes changed to green and green to yellow. The two Colins jumped, somersaulted and sprang to the best of their ability all the while firing jets of emerald and yellow vapours at one another. In the end The two Colins sat back to back with their clothes a mottled mix of yellow and green and leaves and petals in the same colours still falling around them. All the wizards and apprentices were laughing and applauding wildly at the rambunctious performance.

 ... to be continued

4 kommentarer:

  1. That sounds like a wonderful, wonderful way to end a meal.
    I do hope that it lightened (temporarily) Susan's bleak mood as well.

  2. Marvelous entertainment, i wish i could watch in person.

  3. You chose Magicians! I love this, it is so much fun to read. Thank you :)

  4. The Collins sounds like a fun, entertaining pair though I can't decide if they are using real magic or they just regular magicians. I think they should perform something dramatic next, something to make Susan laugh.

    Have a lovely day.


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