onsdag den 16. september 2020

Words for Wednesday - 16 September

  For this Wednesday, River at Drifting through Life has dug up this sentence for us. From where she does not remember, but would have given due credit if she could. In her own words:  This is a sentence I read somewhere but don't remember where so I hope the author forgives me for borrowing it without crediting, which I would do if I could.
With that single statement, he steamrollered my happiness right into the ground
  Well I just go on with my story of the Christmas party:

Jon and Martine engaged the Saami witches and wizards in a discussion on the use of music in magic. Susan was reminded of the wand-singing she and the other apprentices were learning, but she did not know if she was allowed to talk about it or not. Neither Tähti nor Thora had ever told them to keep it secret, but neither had they ever spoken of it outside the lessons. She looked at Rósa and Anna, who were both in the green group as well and they looked back at her. Anna leant over to her and Rósa and asked in a whisper: "Are we allowed to speak of wand-singing at all, or is it a secret."
"I do not know," Rósa answered, and Susan shook her head slowly and whispered back: "I'll go and ask Thora."
She worked her way to Thora's seat at the other end of the first table towards the back of the room. It was crowded and noisy. As she reached Thora, the witch held her hand in the air to stop Susan and continued her discussion with the German wizard in Lederhosen and alpine hat with a purple brush. Susan sat down next to Veronika and prepared to wait. She looked around, revelling in the many different dresses, colours and costumes in the Barn. Then she noticed that the lean, dark-haired with the clogs, whom she had notice earlier on, sat talking quietly and intently to Torben. Susan did her best to look interested in the conversation Veronika was having with a Dutch lace-decked witch all the while listening  in at Torben and his companion's talk.
They were rehashing old resentments, repeating all the slights, burnings, witch-processes and so on that the magical people had suffered from the hands of stupid, ignorant, and often frightened people.
After having waited for ten minutes or more, Susan felt the urge to pee. "Well I can do that while waiting," she thought. and walked the rest of the way to the small corridor and the necessary rooms behind the brown door.
She was just about to leave the cubicle again, when she heard someone enter. She recognized the sound of clogs on the floor. It mus be one of the Dutch. Then she heard Torben say: "We have in short been suffering without doing anything for far too long." 
And the she overheard  Tristan whispering to Torben: "But when we have been elected, a new golden age will be dawning." and with that single statement, he steamrollered her happiness right into the ground.

... to be continued

9 kommentarer:

  1. Ooooh. Tension. Very real tension. And it is a testament to how well you have constructed this world that I KNOW that Tristan and Torben being elected would be a very, very bad thing for all but a very select few. Bad for everyone who wasn't their friend or their ally.

    1. Thank you for your kind words; yes they are indeed the big baddies. I'm happy that you see it.

  2. Nicely worked into your story, it keeps up the tension.

  3. Just to let you know, Charlotte, that I'm having problems with commenting on some blogs. If there is no 'Name/web address' option given for submitting comments I cannot leave a comment on that blog. For various reasons I do not use my Google account and I have no blog of my own. I can leave comments on your blog, but cannot always respond to comments you have made on other blogs. I hope this may explain why you may not be seeing some comments - maybe some other readers are experiencing similar problems.

    1. I am also having commenting issues. I frequently have to confirm (even using my google account) that I am not a robot, and sometimes that is insufficient. I hope that blasted blogger sorts it out - because it is ONLY on blogger blogs that the issues occur. I do hope you are well - and miss your quirky takes on the prompts.

    2. Oh yes all those verifications where you have to click fire hydrants, stairs, boats etc. ad infinitum are a P.I.T.A I hope that Blogger and WordPress could finally agree to remove this. And I hope Blogger will get to this once their new platforms are implemented. I abhor them too.

    3. I am still reading all the contributions each week and supporting them as best I can. Unfortunately I cannot access the comments set-up on River's blog, so I cannot contribute this month. However, I'll do my best to stay in touch. I'm with you in spirit, if not on the page. X

  4. It's all the different blog platforms, i have noticed, that i am having trouble leaving comments at various times. Many of them get put in awaiting moderation, i believe.

    Excellent story!

  5. I love this new chapter very much, you worked in that sentence very nicely.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.