mandag den 7. september 2020

Poetry Monday :: Kitchen

  Mimi of Messymimi's Meanderings has supplied us with Kitchen for this Modays essays in rhyming and versification. 
   Diane of On the Border will surely once again overshadow us all with her equilibristic wordsmithery. 
   Jenny at Procrastinating Donkey is taking a break due to her husband's ill health. Her news are dire, and not the least uplifting even though a name for the beast has been found. Let's continue to send warm thoughts, good energy and lots of prayers their way. 

  And here are my own meandering verses: 

My kitchen is messy
More often than not
We cook and we bake there
The oven is hot!

My kitchen is smelly
From pickles and spice
from pots that are steaming,
and not always nice.

My kitchen is noisy
with clashes and clang
And often the door
is slammed with a bang.

My kitchen is lovely
We talk as we cook
We often try new things,
and go by the book.

My kitchen is quiet
when day's work is done.
We stand in the twilight
just watching the sun.

My kitchen is fragrant
From berries and jam
From thyme and from sage
that roast with a lamb.

My kitchen sure is
a contradictory spot
But though it is smallish
we love what we've got!

Next Mondays theme is Books!

4 kommentarer:

  1. Your kitchen describes mine to a T. Definitely the heart of the home.
    And a big YES to hopes and good wishes flowing to jenny_o and her family. Today and every day.

  2. You've just described perfection!
    "We love what we've got" says it all!

  3. Lovely, Charlotte. You packed in so much interesting information, and I love the catchy rhythm. My poem is over on Dianne's blog.

  4. Wonderful! Trying to catch up on blogs over the next couple of days, i fell sadly behind when i had extra work.


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