lørdag den 22. december 2018

Back to the Classics - A Wrinkle in Time

A classic by an author that's new to you

A Wrinkle in time begins as a traditional "black and stormy night in a quirky family"-story; consolidating this with our main person, Meg (daughter in the family) meeting both the mysterious Mrs. Whatsit and the almost too normal Calvin O'Keefe.

But from there the story takes off into a supernatural fligth of fancy through hinted-at wonders and blatantly described virtues. It's basically a figth between good and evil book, but I did not like it. It was ... esoteric ... is the best word, I can find even if it does not fit the bill.

The persons were at the same time larger than life and one-dimensional. You just knew all along that they would do the rigth thing, like the blandest of Alcotts little ladies.

The role of the tesseract was for me not adequately explained, the children were paper thin, the Mrss. W's were too all-powerful, too mysterious and yet too set apart and self assured to become real to me. It was at places toe-curling in its description of virtues and good deeds.

I felt like a spectator all the way, never as a part of the book. 

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