onsdag den 26. december 2018

Back to the Classics - Den brændende busk

A Classic written by a female author,

The Burning Bush by Sigrid Undset and published in 1930 fits the category, even if the protagonist of this book is a man.
The Burning Bush  is the second part of Gymnadenia. And in this book the mysteries and puzzles of Gymnadenia come to their solutions.
These solutions are like real life, not what you expected, but something bigger and better. The persons, we met in Gymnadeina grow and develop, maybe they even mature. The historical times -- we go from the roaring twenties into the bleak beginning of the thirties -- are a realistic backdrop to the story about Paul Selmer and the journey of his life.

I warmly recommentd this book  and its prequel to all who is remotely interested in human and spiritual development.

And this is the 6th and final of my Back to the Classics 2018 series.

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