søndag den 23. december 2018

Back to the Classics - Gymnadenia

A Classic with a one word title

 Gymnadenia is both the name of a humble, greenish orchid, and a book by Sigrid Undset published in 1929. I read it in Danish. It was translated by Peder Hesselaa and published in 1956 by Jespersen and Pio

This book tells the story of Paul Selmer, a young Norwegian man during his formative years, which coincide with a colourful time in Norway's history, from roughly 1890 till 1916, where the war begins.

The orchid in the title is a disappointment for poor Paul, who expects a fantastic flower when hearing the name. This feeling of being cheated out of something big and beautiful runs through his life in this book. His first girlfriend and soulmate is not what she seemed, or maybe more ... you're left dangling, as this is the first book of two. His studies, his family, his friends ...

It is a really well written book, the persons are believable, even loveable with their faults and human weaknesses. The times in the book are different from now, but the eternal themes in this book - love, value of life, sin and guilt, virtue, being a human being in short - makes it a fine read today as well. The setting gives colour and a slower pace to the book, which is good. The only thing, I find a bit hard to swallow is the longish soliloquies about Christianity.

I won't tell too much about what happens in the book. I would like you all to read this book, as it is maybe even better than Kristin Lavransdatter.   

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