onsdag den 19. december 2018

Back to the Classics 2019

Sidste år meldte Uglemor sig til klassikerudfordringen. Det gik ikke så godt, hun nåede kun at læse 7 af de stipulerede 12 bøger, sløjt! Men så er der da heldigvis en chance til næste år. Siden, hvor man kan melde sig til, ligger her: Books and Chocolate

12 forskellige bøger på 12 måneder. Det foregår på engelsk, derfor er resten også på engelsk.

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 If you are looking for a good excuse for reading 12 books in 2019, then look just a bit further.

Last year MotherOwl joined the Back to the Classics, 2018-challenge. It was only a partial success as I read only 7 of the books, I set out to read, but one skirmish lost is not the whole battle. Let's try again.

The original post, with rules and a Linky, can be found here: Books and Chocolate 

There's more rules than what I cite here, the most important being no reading before January 1st 2019, and all books to be written (not necessarily published) at least 50 years ago.

As last year I'll grasp a d12 on the first of every month and let chance tell me which category is up for this month.
This list will grow, as I go looking for books on the shelves in the Owlery, old book shops, second hand shops, the library, and at bloggers' posts. 

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 1. 19th Century Classic. Any classic book originally published between 1800 and 1899.
Lots of good books are that old. But as I did not succeed in reading it last year, I'll just re-try: Alice in Wonderland I only read parts of it. Never the whole book.

 2. 20th Century Classic. Any classic book originally published between 1900 and 1969.
Another re-useable category. Glasperlenspiel by Hermann Hesse. I read some of it over 20 years ago. It was a tour de force in ingenuity. I wonder if it stands the test of time?

 3. Classic by a Female Author.
😠 This category angers me - if possible even more than last year. Bugger! It's what's in a author's head that counts, not what's between their legs.
Why isn't there a Classic by a male author as I've seen some professing to read only female ones?
But well ... I'll find one. 

 4. Classic in Translation.
Once again recycling: I have loads of classics in Danish and English. I just have to pick one. Ivanhoe, War and Peace ... Loads I never read.

 5. Classic Comedy.
Old Greek books we have lots of, but I 'm not in the mood for more Greek drama. Maybe I could read Don Quijote

 6. Classic Tragedy.
The Odyssey or its sequel, The Iliad. Also I put it on my list last year, but never read it. I read The Odyssey when I was 12. Time for a re-read. In Danish, not Greek.

  7. Very Long Classic. (500 pages or longer).

  8. Classic Novella. (Shorter than 250 pages).

  9. Classic From the Americas (includes the Caribbean).
Huckleberry Finn or Tom Sawyer.

10. Classic From Africa, Asia, or Oceania (includes Australia).
Last year's crime fits the bill: I'm not an avid reader of whodunnits, but these Australian ones - written long ago - describe the Australia of days gone by in a charming way. Author: Arthur Upfield. actual title to be decided.

11. Classic From a Place You've Lived.
Hamlet. Playing in Elsinore, where I lived for many years.My first thought was Udsigt til Kronborg, (A View to Kronborg) by Frank Jæger, whom I knew, and who lived in the same place as I did, although not in the very same apartment. But this book was not written until 1976, only a year before he died.

12. Classic Play.
I'd like to read Jedermann. I saw it as a play at Salzborger Festspiele in 1994. I never read it, but always wanted to.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Your post made me laugh! I completely agree that it should be quality of the book, not the gender that matters.

    Hamlet is one of my favourite plays and The Iliad is one of my favourite poems!

    Great list! Have fun with the challenge!

    1. Thank you, Cleo. I looked at your list, and I must say that sounds like quite a mouthful. Your blog won't let me comment, and looks quite wonky - I suspect the old Blogger vs. WordPress issue is at large again.


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